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A Jordan is an amazing and loving person.They are usually good in sport and have a good time wherever they go,a Jordan wil always make you laugh and they are easy to fall in love with. Jordan's have huge dicks but not all of their friends know this and they dont go around telling everyone. If you eger get thet chance to be with a Jordan you are very lucky and you would wish to have sex with him every night

Person 1:is your dick small
Person 2:no he is a Jordan

by Lover girl 222 November 23, 2021


Jordan is typically one of the few male creatures with a unreasonably large log between his beefy thighs, they say all Jordan's have their 3rd leg measured with a trundle wheel by the age of 11. by the age of 17 their cock is incredibly destructive as the force it gathers with its swings is so insurmountable that anyone in its way will perish. due to the amount of blood circulating through this log of theirs there heart has to work overtime, meaning they will die an early death, which if didn't happen civilization as we know it will most certainly collapse and fall under the supremacy of all of the Jordan cocks circulating through the cock economy.

Wait is that guy a Jordan? how old is he?
fucks sake we are done for.

by JordanCultFollower May 22, 2022


This type of Jordan is racist, unfunny, and is a midget

Damm, this guy is such a jordan

by July 2, 2021


This is the person who will make you feel the most wanted you’ve ever felt. He’s the person who gives you the millions of butterflies. He’s the person who you walk a certain way just to get a glimpse.He’ll sweep you off your feet out of no where. You can always run to him with any problem you have.You can tell him your deepest darkest secrets and have no problem doing it.Jordan will make you the happiest you’ve ever felt.You instantly become happy any time you know you’re going to see him. You just cling to jordan. No matter how annoying you are or how much you get on his nerves, he will always be there for you. He pulls you in with the best love there is.The place you are truly happiest is in his arms.Jordan will make you feel a way you have never ever felt before.He has you caught so much, the only thing you ever do when you’re not with him is wish you were. Jordan makes a home for you. If home isn’t a place,it’s a person, and that person is Jordan. When things get rough, they get rough.Jordan is the most stubborn person there ever was.He will ignore you and rage at you. Just know he doesn’t mean it. Once he calms down it’s all okay. He realizes the situation and the wrong.Although this is hard i’d deal with it just for Jordan.I never want to be with anyone else in this world. All i’ll ever want is Jordan. He makes you feel like no one ever has. You’d never be the same if you were to ever loose him. Take care of Jordan. Don’t ever let go because you’ll forever need him.

you’ll always be my number 1, Jordan.

by 77772233748488maaayyyuwuuw August 23, 2021


Jordan is a cute, athletic girl. Is very outgoing and funny. When you hear her laugh, it just makes your day. She is very smart, but stubborn. She has lots of friends because she is good at being social and nice to people. She has blonde hair and beautiful eyes. She also hates it when she hurts other people in any way. Jordan is someone that you would really want as a friend.

I need a Jordan in my life.”

“I think everyone needs a Jordan.”❤️

by Chippgirl_18 October 15, 2018


An amazing guy who makes me laugh all the time. He cares about me and shows me that he does all the time. He loves music, jokes, and socializing with friends. He doesn't care about what people think of him but he is still empathetic. He helps everyone open up and feel more happy but he still has standards.

Jordan is the best :)

by ratingz March 28, 2022


A Jordan is a complicated boy who thinks he is the best and tries to be cool by being a drug dealer but instead he is just an average tard.

Imaginary friend: Hey Jordan do u have the goodies?
Jordan: Yes

by OfficialyTru June 1, 2019