A Justin Bieber is often seen as the sexist man alive and that speculation is agreed to by many as he honestly is. The mere sight of his face can cause pregnancy to girls in almost a second. There are many different forms of Justin as his look,style and hair is constantly changing. If one Justin isn't for you another one is.
"wow I totally just saw a Justin Bieber"
"no way dude that's so rare your gonna get pregnant"
4๐ 12๐
I have no idea who this is because is you're looking for JUSTIN BIEBER his name is not spelled this way. Just FYI.
1: DO you spell that amazing singer's name B-E-I-B-E-R?
2: No!!! It's B-I-E-B-E-R!!!
1: Oops! I'll never make that mistake again!!
2: You better not!!!
Remember, it's not justin beiber, it's justin bieber.
15๐ 62๐
a 14-year-old boy that is a little too young to sing(ok, WAY too young)about dirty stuff like girls and dating, I have to admit, he IS good looking, but not as good looking as a bunch of other people.
girl: OMG! GUESS WHAT!!!!
me: what?!
me: ......oh, thats........nice. (I look at her like she's gone crazy)
52๐ 265๐
Honestly, Justin bieber is my inspiration. I haven't always been a "Belieber," though. I used to be as ignorant as the people who wrote some of these horrible deffinitions. But I came to realise, he is seriously so sweet & giving. He is down to Earth, and he stays grounded. His voice may not have always been perfect, but now, it is deep and sounds so mature. I really do love him so much, and I love the fact that his smile alone can make me so happy. He gets so much hate, and he is just living his dream and doing what he loves. He doesn't deserve it. He may not sing your favorite music; but how would you like if YOUR favorite artist got bashed like he does? If you don't like him, don't concern yourself with him.
12๐ 48๐
Justin Bieber is a talented 18 year old Canadian, most of people hate him for literally no reason at all. His music video "Baby" is the most disliked video on Youtube, people dislike it and call him untalented and stuff. But grow up, you know he's talented, there's at least one song you like by him. It's like a fashion trend to hate on Justin Bieber. Some people call him gay, but grow up, he's with Selena Gomez, gay people don't date people of the opposite gender. Some other people call his music "shit" and "his fans don't know what real music is" no, his music is real good and he's pretty talented indeed. And if his music isn't real music, what do you call "Gangnam Style"? It's a song sung by a Korean man (whom in the matter of fact can't sing at all) and 99% of the people don't understand 95% of what he says, and they still like it for no reason and dislike real artists. Some people call him "A 10 years old girl" in the matter of fact, people who call him that are 10 years old boys who haven't even hit puberty yet and are still in freaking primary school. He got a real kind heart, example: he donated 1,000,000$ for Japan, he visits hospitals, he has done so much for charity. This boy doesn't deserve any hate, and just for you to know, when you hate one someone, it doesn't show nothing about them, but it shows so much about YOU. Grow up and stop all the celebrity hate because you look like a fucking idiot.
"Justin Bieber is gay, he can't even sing, why does he even have fans?"
"Justin Bieber? That 9 years old girl who thinks she's a boy?"
Like, bitch please, grow the fuck up you immature piece of fuck.
13๐ 55๐
When a cat is kneading on your leg close to the inner thigh and his claw gets stuck in the the man's urethra causing the man to jerk forward and causing the cat's claw to cut open the man's penis to the base of the head. This cut then proceeds to leak a mixture of blood and semen similar in color to the female's vagina.
My cat gave me a justin bieber and I threw that son of a bitch across the room.
5๐ 12๐
Justin Bieber is a 19 year old pop singer that makes amazing music. He is Canadian and loves to Instagram in his spare time. His fan base are called Beliebers, they are also amazing, and support him through all the medias bullshit.
Music Mondays. Music Journals. Believe. My World. Justin Bieber
8๐ 31๐