To have smelly feet or some funky shit growing on your foot.
Damn, did you smell her feet in the car? Yea, that's some straight-up Mustard Foot dawg.
Fat or swollen foot where one's finger may press and leave semi-permanent indent! (medical name = Pitting Oedema).
Generally caused by running in flip flops with heavy shopping bags and causing internal foot injury that cannot be healed. Nanna foot likes to swell in the heat and when heels are too high. Also doesn't like alcohol and adds to a nasty hangover.
When Nanna Foot gets nasty, the swelling can reach the lower leg and appear much like its sister, Elephantitis minor.
The black discolouration that occurs on the bottom of one's foot due to the design of crocs whereby dirt enters through those stupid vent holes, but cannot escape once inside.
Sometimes it also makes your feet smelly- see croc rot
Is your foot frostbit like Mr. Deeds or do you just have Croc-Foot?
When your feet really need a wash. They really smell and Oder eaters can help.
Holy shit!! You got some bad foot stink
when you walk up to someone and they go one way and you go the same and its hard to pass them.
"yo i just had mad switch-foot with that kid we went back and forth for the ill second"
Having a kink or a liking to your significant others feet.
Yooooo that girl Isha has a foot fetish loves my feet man