A dark or light shade female with large breast.
Ayo bro check out that girl standimg in front with them big ghetto watermelons.
Someone that sounds like an ignorant rap star and laughable when using words containing more than two syllables. Typically loud with a bling appearance.
That girl with all the make-up talks ghetto mouthed to try to sound cool.
When a welfare queen squirts out yet another society-burdening offspring and consequently gets an increase in welfare, food stamps, and housing.
"Yo. you hear Latifa gettin' another ghetto payraise? Naw, she don't know who da daddy is..."
When your ghetto cooler is empty, and can’t afford to refill it, even tho your thirsty and have to rob a gas station
I’m so ghetto thirsty, I’m gonna punch a bitch in the face and then rob a g-station
A cook that puts together a meal made from cheap, processed and prepackaged food.
Lunch tastes like shit, the the ghetto chef thinks KD & canmed tuna is a gourmet casserole.
When you drink in public places illegally.
You wanna ghetto chill?
when you try to zip up your zipper and your dick gets caught and takes some foreskin with it
Last night I was drunk and gave myself a ghetto circumcision