To leave America before Trump inevitably retakes the oval office. To get out now!
Because they had dual citizenship, they did a Trump Jump to Canada the day after the Iowa caucus.
When you’re banging a girl from behind and she’s on a step stool but too high so you have to jump multiple times to cum in her.
That chick’s like 4 foot two! Definitely gonna have to jump cum!
The initial forward progress taking towards having your penis cut off.
I had been considering changing my gender to become a female, for a long time. But I finally went forward and made the tuck jump.
That’s when two men take a set of jumper cables. One is clamped on the penis and the second on his testicles. The other man does the same. They then pull away from each other in a rocking motion causing the clamps to pull on the penis and testicles until they both ejaculate.
I walked in on Devante and Alex giving each other a New Jersey Jump start in the bathroom yesterday.
Jumping jacks but instead of moving ur arms side to side you move them up and down
I love doing jumping jills
November 12th is national jump your bestie day. On this day we celebrate by jumping our best friend
girl: omg guess what! it’s november 12th! you know what that means..
girl: *jumps bestie*
The night before Valentines day when you take out the person you're sleeping with behind your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend's back see jump off. Because you can't take them out on Valentine's Day, so you have to take them out the night before. Jump-off night activities include renting a hotel room by the hour and buying your Boo slutty crotch-less panties.
My boyfriend refused to take me out for Valentine's Day. When I badgered him for a month straight about why he finally confessed that him and wife of five years have had long-standing plans on Valentines Day at their favorite restaurant and he could only take me out the night before. That's when I realized that not only that I was his jump-off night lay.