Source Code


Cites things you don't know about.

To use to weed out almost anyone.

Nobody ever tells you , "as QUESTIONS " .

Best escape , ",JUST DO WHAT YOU ARE GOOD AT".

Look I know I can say I don't know anything about BIOTECH RESEARCH PROCEDURES but "the implication of the question " WHAT I "DON'T KNOW" PARADOX is " WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY , ",I DON'T KNOW" well my friend I am just going to tell you " I DON'T KNOW SHIT" as is it accurate to say that cause to be honest that is the best I can do.

A KNOW IT ALL really needs to say WHAT I "DON'T KNOW" PARADOX as I never did try AXIOM to clean up as THAT IS " ALL"I have to say.

I am just TIRED and STUPID as WHAT I "DON'T KNOW" PARADOX about you , "as I am getting NOSY, so " you are a "SPACE TROOPER" as " you can't say " buy you are in the "MILITARY".

Hey, "TEACH ME" as WHAT I "DON'T KNOW," PARADOX is " should you spend your time doing something else you are not good at "when you found something is "A DATABASE GAME CHANGER and you know "WHAT YOU ARE DOING" as leave it at that and I WILL FOCUS IN ON what I am doing , but MONEY IS ALWAYS AN ISSUE with the CASTE ASIDE SYSTEM.


We know who you are

We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you areWe know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you areWe know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you areWe know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are

Hym "I KNOW! The words change but they all mean the same thing. I wish you could see yourselves chanting in unison because it looks like someone typing 'fuck the retard and kill the whore' over and over again on Urban Dictionary. 'We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are We know who you are' it's all I ever hear from you useless fucks. Holy shit must your lives be bleak."

by Hym Iam February 13, 2023

Governor So-Know-It-All

nickname from Congress for Dr. Sununu

Governor So-Know-It-All was a general contractor in NH.

by Coop Dupe December 1, 2022

Governor So-Know-It-All

nickname from Congress for Dr. Sununu

Governor So-Know-It-All was a general contractor in NH.

by Coop Dupe December 1, 2022

Only Google knows.

A term replacing 'Only God knows' referring to an innumerable amount of some bullshit that someone did a lot.

First person: How many people do you think died in a shark attack while high on goofballs?

Friend: only Google knows.

by edstar77 July 14, 2024

do you know what I'm thinking

I'm thinking I have the biggest crush on someone cant tell him his friends know constantly get shipped with him and well yeah hope he likes me back please say he does because I like him to the moon and back so yeah rizz I'm not quit a Jesus 'm more of an apostle I cant turn water into wine but I can turn you into mine well bye

do you know what I'm thinking the word is differed you know now so yeah

by crushing on people July 9, 2023

I don't know, I'm not a wizard.

A popular phrase used in response to a reasonable question.

"How do you use this whistle?"

"I don't know, I'm not a wizard."

by Idkimnotawizard February 12, 2025