Source Code

dog face

Simply put, a person whose face resembles that of a dog, whether generally or of a particular breed. (e.g. having a flat face like a shih tzu).

"Cynthia is a dog face."

by dog catcher May 15, 2006

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Dog Balls

To get the short end of the stick; Short Changed


A greeting or term of enderment "Whats up Dogballs"


To phyiscally have canine testicals dragged across your face.

"Whats up Dog Balls"


"I was sposed to meet this honey at the bar and totally got dog balled"

by Christian Winkle March 9, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mad Dog

1. A potent beverage that used to be called Mad Dog 20/20, but the company decided it was better for business to change it to MD 20/20 (yes that is much better -?-)
2. To stare someone down:
A) in response to an initial provocation or
B) to start a fight, or to start shit with another

1. 'Man that Mad Dog had me on tilt last night, sorry if I tried to get with your sister'
2. 'I mad dogged that nuckka until he pussied out', 'I mad dogged that police and that's how I got 50 stitches in my head'

by Dont-Be-Skurrd June 13, 2004

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dog taco

Authentic Latin-America taco, prevalent mostly in Mexico. Differing from typical American tacos in that they are about 50% smaller, dog tacos are normally ordered in plates of 5 or more. You can find dog tacos in portable vendor stands on Mexican sidewalks near the hotdog and raspa vendors.

Before going back to the hotel on their last night in Tampico, four hungry gringo idiots ate like 50 dog tacos each.

by Pants Mahoney March 20, 2005

30๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

prarie dogging it

When one's shit acts like a prarie dog, fanatically poking it's head in and out of it's home expressing it's urge to be freed from the confines of it's hole, but only when it is safe.
(See movie Rat Race)

Dad! I've got to go so bad I'm prarie dogging it!

by argo 5 April 29, 2003

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Dog on A Raft

Expression used in place of "It is what it is" and "Fuck it." Used when a situation is beyond your control, but is not too severe to be too worried about. Usually followed by the response "Hey, What can you do?"

Variations of the phrase include "Dog on a Fucking Raft" and "Fucking Dog on a Fucking Raft," depending on the severity of the situation.

Abbreviation: DOAR, DOAFR, FDOAFR

Person One: I went to the bars on Saturday night and spent way too much money.

Person Two: Eh, it's a Dog on a Raft.

Person One: You're right, it's a DOAR.

by KI322DOAR April 21, 2009

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corn dog

To corn dog someone is to knee them up there ass when they dont expect it. Usually if you are in some sort of line and someone cuts in front of you just corn dog the person and yell owned in their face when they are crying on the ground

"Mikey was being really gay today so i decided to give him a nice little corn dog."

by Winga November 19, 2005

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