Source Code

A squad

Whenever Lofty enters a squad of 4, bringing the overall rating up to an A if not an A+. Not to be mistaken by B squad (an unheard of term for Lofty).

“Yes! Lofty just joined and we can finally be A squad material!”

by 13128 February 19, 2018

hard man squad

A hard man squad is a group of teenagers or young men, typically wearing tracksuits, who act like badmen. Hard man squads are usually unemployed and their common activities include: smoking weed, drinking, smoking, shoplifting, vandalism, and trying to start fights. Typical language used by hard man squads include "blud", "spliff", "wanker", "bruv", "wogwan", "innit" and "sick". Hard man squads can be found in locations such as alleyways, under bridges, council estates and tesco car parks

Oi, did you see that hard man squad down lodge farm estate?

by Ha, he's ginger. December 20, 2015

hard man squad

A group of teenagers or young men, typically wearing tracksuits, who act like badmen. Typical activities of a hard man squad include smoking weed, drinking, vandalism, swearing at you for no reason and trying to start fights. Typical hard man squad members are unemployed, drive crappy chav cars and at least one member of a squad must have a staffy. Language used by hard man squads include "wanker", "blud", "sick", "wogwan", "spliff" and "bruv". Hard man squads can be found in alleyways, under bridges, street corners, and tesco car parks.

Wow, check out those bellends from that hard man squad.

by Ha, he's ginger. December 20, 2015

squad stank

the act of being a stank and then people put those stands in the squad stank. the squad stank mainly consists faggots, assholes, ugly bitches, and bitches

Jaylen: Hey Michael, does the squad really stank?

Michael: Hell yeah it does, just make sure that the members of the squad stank don't meet up in one place or the world will blow up



by MR. Stanky April 8, 2016

Beaner Squad

Derogatory term for a group of Mexicans that team up only to judge or hurt others feelings

Hey, that beaner squad over there is staring at you. I would go approach them but we both know they would never let a black man hang.

by John.white14 March 14, 2024

Sparsø Squad

Sparsø Squad is a feared and powerfull squad. The leader Sigge Sparsø is a giant, he's extremly hot and has nice firm cheeks. His men are deffinetly smaller than him and they all look up to him. Sigge is also a nigger-lovin-jew so nobody can hate him. and thats facts.

Nigger: have you heard about the sparsø squad?

Jew: yes, they're the ones with the tall and sexy leader right?

by Emil den ustabil November 28, 2022

Dixieland Honor Squad

A close knit group of rednecks who refer to each other by a singular name "Skeeter" whos sole purpose is protecting the honor of the daughters of the dixieland.

Boy what in the hell are you doin, piece of shit. You done messed with the Dixieland Honor Squad... mmmmm boy.

by Grandpappy Skeeter July 27, 2011