And arbitrary word used against Muslims making fun of the kaaba.
You are literally a stone licker 😂
A small whiny little bitch caucasian packing an almost nonexistent wang typically found behind a gas station dumpster performing $.25 BJ’s buy two get one free on sundays
Damn bro is that your mom over there behind the dumpster? Oh wait!! no that’s just Brodie Stone
Being a “dean stone” means you have this strange ability to arouse both men and women with your tv reporter hair and turkey teeth fashion without the actual teeth….. yet. You can also leap a fat scran in a single bound when people around you gain weight by aimply looking at your food.
Chad said “Look at that turkey teeth scouser “,
Brad replied “nah bro he doesnt have the teeth, he’s defo a dean stone, id rim that whilst he eats a chicken kebab and undercooked sweet potato fries”
Chad responded “ i feel lole im getting fatter watching him eat it “
A faggot that has sex with a fat/ugly girl (Meagan) and cannot get anyone one else.
Damn bro you ain’t get no good pussy, you’re a dean stone.
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Gangstalking, andrenachrome moarch bullshit
adrenachrome is black hence the first stage deals with trauma done to someone
usual deals with neck pain and black shit in the vision
white part is the visualization done by the person who takes it
im guessing yellow is the calming stage of the subconcious cymatics,
and red altering the blood and heart attractions of the person who takes it
deals alot with subconcious voodoo and law of reversal shit based around the person whowants it
philosophers stone hence turning lead intogold