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Sweet Annie Brown

When a tan skinned woman gives you a handy using the grease from a meat stick as lube.

I met this girl at the beach and she gave me a Sweet Annie Brown!

by The trutherer December 6, 2022

Sweet Jacob's Stew

An expression of surprise or awe. Typically spoken on the same day of having a bowl of stew at the Yellow Deli in Chattanooga, TN however can be used at any time.

Sweet Jacob's Stew! That cult makes a damn fine sandwich!

by jimmycrackwhore September 22, 2011

Ain’t nothing sweet

1. When you have unsettled beef with someone.

2. What you tell someone when they think a previous issue has died down but it hasn’t.

Emily: Cara girl, why you don’t fw me no more??

Cara: Nah you kissed Jarell while we was TOGETHER?! Ain’t nothing sweet/shit ain’t sweet:

by Ho_fromda.DMV August 24, 2023

1👍 1👎

Makin' a sweet omelet

Euphemism for generically describing inane chatter in online community status updates.

I see Justin was makin' a sweet omelet this morning when his Facebook status told me that he was having a hard time picking out which sock color he was going to wear today. What a punter.

by police line do not cross February 3, 2010

Sweet Baby Goller

Nicest guy in the world and will do anything for you. Beep Boops throughout the day without a care in the world. Loves chopper gunners and yelling Boomshakalaka at random times. Deathly afraid of sea serpents and cannot wear boots with zippers. Self proclaimed Sweet Baby Goller.

Whos that guy over there in the corner Beep Booping? Ahh man, no worries, thats Sweet Baby Goller!!!!

by Chappyrillo August 16, 2019

Bitter Sour Sweet

It means to make a bitter decision get sour over making a said decision than getting the sweet reward of doing so
its an extension of Bitter Sweet with an extra step for more complex situations

Before: "i know it was the right decision but it felt so bitter and i'm really sour about it"
After: "I got the sweetness in the end"
(Bitter sour sweet)

by LexxDef February 12, 2022

Honey Baby Sweet

Slang term commonly used by Southern California business owners & operators when they have forgotten a guest's name. Smoothly inserted with a joking tone, honey baby sweet allows you to make them laugh while getting them to tell you their name again. Works best between opposite sexes. A spin on calling a man "boss" instead of learning his name.

Him: How are you doing todayyyyy (trails on, clearly forgetting name).... honey baby sweet? (chuckles)
Her: (laughing) It's Brittany, silly!

by mikehubbard October 4, 2019