A weird individual who refuses the fact that he is a ginger, even though everyone keeps reminding him. The love of his life is estragon, and he developed this live during the six months he worked as a cook.
Look at Math Rasmussen, what a ginger
Slut Math
A math equation that determines the sluttiness factor of a female
take the age, subtract 10, take it to the 69th power, take the log base ten of that, then divide by 20 to get the acceptable number of sex partners from that age.
take the # of partners of the accused slut, divide by the equation above.
if above 1, then she is a slut
else, she is probably not, but may act like one.
-Dick- Hey I think Brittany's a slut
-Brian- Have you done the slut math on her yet?
-Dick- What's the formula?
-Brian- You take her age, subtract 10, take that number to the 69th power, you take the log base ten of that number, then you divide by 18.
-Dick- Ain't nobody got no time for that.
-Brian- But i do got time for taking my log and and 69ing with power(sex joke).
An Upper Class, Middle Class and Working Class Theory, of waking up early to watch news channels and understand, politics, weather and sports.
Finance is argued by the big buy in, (Poker Talk) he get 5 minutes to talk m, she has 10 minutes. The rest of the day is just Polite Politics. How Quaint….. Don’t know.
Double Maths
“Hi good morning welcome to bbc breakfast?”
Class systems arguing get the point I just made breakfast.
“And now for the sports and weather.”
It’s not Friday mate, get to the finance section I need Maaaaad Doooolllllaaaarr! Mr Jones.
When you can’t be a spectator vis-à-vis the world’s most disliked school subject, but you need to be a player to master it—reading or listening about math won’t make you fluent in the subject, but doing math will.
Like Christianity, math is a verb. Just like you can’t impact lives if you merely know about Jesus and His teachings, so reading pop math books without dirtying your hands is unlikely going to raise your quantitative literacy in meeting the technological challenges of the 21st century.
A utterly shit maths homework site that seems to say every answer you put in is wrong and is usually set by teachers when they can’t be arsed to set Mathswatch questions
Oh for fucks sake miss set method maths again
A utterly shit maths homework site that seems to say every answer you put in is wrong and is usually set by teachers when they can’t be arsed to set Mathswatch questions
Oh for fucks sake miss set method maths again