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National Crocs Day

The day when everyone in the galaxy must wear crocs to show that they are truly a hero. On January 22 2018

Damn son where you cop those fresh crocs???? Ima get some on national crocs day

by Drfrrdh January 21, 2018

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National hugging day

This day is held on April 15

April 15 is national hugging day

by Brandy Allen April 14, 2019

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National Taryn Day

The day we celebrate Taryn

Damn guess what day it is? NATIONAL TARYN DAY

by User1567890 April 11, 2019

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distressed british national

A completely drunk British tourist who has lost his passport and or his keys to his hotel while on holiday.

A level of drunkenness reserved for the very special cases where you lose all faculties; keys and passports included.

We had a distressed british national come in at 6am looking for his passport and his hotel key card after he pissed himself.

Did you see Brian last light? I can't believe he drank that much!
Yea, he went full distressed british national last night.

Hope he can find his keys; and a new set of pants.

by RedLeg3 April 17, 2011

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National Fortnite Day

National Fortnite Day
The day in which Fortnite is the only game anyone can play for 24 hours and if any other games are played within these 24 hours, your balls will be run over by a monster truck.
National Fortnite Day is the coolest day of the year because Fortnite is my favorite game!

National Fortnite Day is Tommy's favorite day.

by Tommy-------Fortnite KId March 22, 2023

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National Crackhead Day

September 4th; National Crackhead Day is a day where all the crackheads are in charge. School work should be kept to a minimum and the classrooms and lunch room should be chaos due to the crackheads. If you are getting in trouble for being a crackhead, tell them it’s against the law and go home.

Crackhead: sksksksk and i oop sksksk i dropped my hydroflasksksksksksksksk

Teacher: sksksk go to the principals office.

Crackhead: and i oop

(National Crackhead Day is a day where crackheads unite for mass chaos)

by sksksksk42069 August 18, 2019

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National be a bitch day

On national bitch day you have a pass to be a absolute bitch to anyone you see their are no exceptions girls can be a bitch too

National be a bitch day is the best because I get to be a bitch to anyone I want

by JaskoDoubleCool October 17, 2019

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