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Plugging the boathouse

Another phrase or term for sexual intercourse.

Last night Kayla was over and I was totally Plugging the boathouse.

by Nault November 7, 2007

Pussy Plugging

An attempt to stop the transmission of logical insight or information from a male to a female via various logical fallacies . Typically occurs when a woman can't cope with a man's heavy flow of coherence.

I tried to tell my girl that Bitcoin was volatile and she shouldn't buy it. She told me that something that wasn't tangible couldn't catch fire...she was straight pussy plugging me!

by rjf44562021 August 21, 2021

Pussy Plugging

A term used to label a large object.

Term used to label/claim a particular female as taken/in a relationship or describe the process towards claimant.
The act of blocking most of the vaginal area.

"That's one hell of a pussy plugging house"
"Man I've been trying pussy plug her for weeks"
"Her pussy was plugged long ago"

by Caitothepotato July 15, 2016

Virtuous plug

Non-shameful, completely on topic and related endorsement that is casually and tastefully worked into conversation.

Syd: "...speaking of science, are you going to the 6th annual women in science symposium??"

Matt: "haha, you virtuous plug. Sure, if you're going, we can go together!"

by sydthesav March 8, 2023

Idaho Butt Plug

The act of using a potato as a butt plug for male ejaculation

This guy asked me to use an Idaho butt plug on him last night.

by lancers46 January 17, 2021

plug effect

When a firm turd is blocking the ensuing diarrhea.

I have been setting on the toilet ever since I released the plug effect.

by Plugman1 February 5, 2022

Honey Plug

The honey plug is when your significant other jerks you off with a handful of honey. The honey then plugs your dick up so that you cannot piss or cum. Thus the honey plug

My girlfriend gave me a honey plug the other week and I haven't pissed since

by The Honey Plugger November 15, 2023