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Friends with Fits

Similar to the more common "friends with benefits" expression, but the participants engage only in "clothes-on" acts, e.g. light making out, cuddling, and extreme cuddling.

"Damn, man! You got Janine to agree to be friends with benefits?"

"Nah, dude. We're just friends with fits."

by O'Heineys Slang Police January 16, 2012

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Public Friend

A person who acts like your friend in public and social situations, but basically uses you and treats you like crap.

Jon: Dude, Devan Downey is so good at basketball!
Michael: Yeah, but Andy Roddick is THE MAN at tennis.
Dustin: Jack is good at everything!!!
Jack: uhh..thanks..?
Dustin: Hey Jack, can I see your answers, I was really busy last night and I had practice and all.
Jack: Um yeah sure.
Dustin: Thanks man, you're the best.
*Jack stands in a circle of conversation*
*Dustin walks right in front of him and pushes him out of the circle*
Jack: Hey Dustin, I woke up late this morning and didn't have time for breakfast. Can I please have some of those cheez its?
Dustin: no
Jack: Jeez, what a public friend..

by Jack Daniels Moore February 5, 2010

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Friends Syndrome

When you constantly clap the Friends clapping bit whenever someone says friends

John: Why does he keep clapping when i say friends
Steve: *clap clap clap clap*
Wick: I think he has Friends Syndrome

by TheRokt June 2, 2017

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emergency friends

When you aren't friends with anyone in a new place (class, gym, work, church, etc.) but you know you're going to need friends for that place, you become emergency friends.

I was in gym class with all of the dumb kids so I had to become emergency friends with some girl only because she was the least annoying person there.

I wasn't friends with anyone in physics class and I made emergency friends with the guy next to me so I'd have someone to sit with at lunch.

by Loaves April 23, 2016

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my friend

Synonymous with migrainous condition, phrase recognizes the intimate nature of recurrent throbbing headaches that have become part of daily living.

โ€œMy friend is back...I am bluer than the sky--hammers are pounding, my mind is exploding static electricityโ€

by Muyuna December 10, 2004

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friends with bens

See also "friends with benefits." A further slang of the aforementioned slang.

The mutual attraction between two friends that is acted on in a purely sexual manner. The individuals do not consider themselves to be bound by the constraints of a "relationship." They are merely friends in all aspects except for the added bedroom "benefits."

Alternately, a committed pair who officially "break up," though continue their sexual relationship.

a Joe and Mary were in a dating "dry spell" and decided to become friends with bens for awhile.

b Although Joe and Mary broke up two months ago, they still have a lot of sleepovers. Must be a friends with bens situation.

by Anonymous Individual February 15, 2006

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A combination of the 2 worst things a woman can say to a guy who likes her:
1. You're just like a brother to me
2. Let's just be friends

The combination of both of these becomes a lethal Left / right hook combo that becomes "Bro-Friend"

Guy: So I was out for drinks with this girl and she dropped the dropped a brutal line on me!

Friend: What was it

Guy: She called me her "Bro-Friend"

Friend: Damnn! you guys are done!

by Age Capo February 15, 2007

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