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White trash twins

Two babies with different mothers but fathered by the same man within a year apart.

Sam is married to Kim and they are expecting a baby. They separate when she is 4 months pregnant. He starts dating another girl and gets her pregnant. The babies are born 8 months apart. Same dad... different moms = white trash twins

by crafty girl January 31, 2014

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Trash Panda

Bitches that are so drunk they eat pizza or any food right after they drop that shit on the ground.

That crazy ass trash panda ate that Five Points pizza like a goddam badass right off the ground.

by chinoalfonz October 25, 2018

4πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Ur trash at Fortnite

When the β€œfriend” that your mum forces you to be friends with says β€œur trash at Fortnite”, that means that you are significantly better than him at it. He is just jealous of you because he stares at a wall eating Cheetos all day, he has nothing better to do or say.

Fake friend: β€œOMG DUDE Ur trash at Fortnite!”
You: β€œk.”

by Socially weird December 2, 2018

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Oil Field Trash

adj. ; Used to describe a person whom works in the oil field (i.e. Drilling Rigs, Oil Rigs) The person is not necessarily trashy, filthy, or dirty but can be if they so choose. Those described as Oil Field Trash typically drink excessively and are crude, narcissistic, and beligerent when drunk. IMPORTANT: There are only two absolutes concerning beging described as Oil Field Trash; 1. One must work in the oil field and 2. One must be proud to be described as Oil Field Trash.

"My Oil Field Trash friends and I are heading to the bar after a long days work on the drilling rig"

"He is wearing a sweater that says 'Oil Field Trash' on it, he must work in the oil field"

by Oil Field Trash October 28, 2006

26πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Trash Nuts

(1) Having testicles so dirty and unsanitary that they belong in the trash.

(2) Two trash bags of garbage as testicles

(1) That pornstar had some of the worst trash nuts I have ever seen

(2) That must be a rare disease because that dude has trash nuts

by Sooleyman December 30, 2010

3πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

white trash party

a party where all the people invited dress up like white (or trailer) trash

Ashlee Simpson had a White Trash party on her birthday

by k.nellie November 4, 2008

28πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

white trash screwdriver

5 o'clock vodka and Sunny D. Warning, may lead to "Dance 'o' clock" which is a bastardization of the name of the liquor used to create the drink, and the time at which the consumers of the beverage start dancing wildly and off-tempo to pretty much any audible sounds.

Morning After:
"Dear God, what have we done?"
"White Trash Screwdrivers."
"Ohhhhh...man...but that doesn't explain why there are people passed out on the hardwood floor?"
"That was from Dance 'o Clock..."
"Fuck, don't tell me Dance 'O clock just happened..."
"Yep. It just happened."
"Is there any Sunny D left?"

by tequilagloworm April 1, 2008

23πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž