A gay ass bitch boy who loves sticking his finger up his own ass. Also looks like a bird.
Has a huge heart and cares so much about other people that are close to them. Extremely loyal and will do anything for the ones they love even if it means sacrificing something for them. Has a thing for winning, will dominate is almost anything especially video games. Has lots of friends and is extremely social person. Will only fuck with someone if they fuck with the people they love. Loves to eat but only when they get to smoke doobies with close friends or family. Overall is an amazing person and anybody lucky enough to have a Tyler Payne is blessed.
Person 1:Oh shit do you know Tyler payne?
Person 2: Yea he’s the best guy around!
Really sexy, not gay and gets all the lady's
Tyler berman is so sexy I want to fuck him
A Hansome dashing man easy on the eyes and can be seen as a god at times minus his one weakness salt he is overall quite a legend.
Wow I’d like to get with that Tyler McCluskey.
An amazing person with the biggest dick in the world amazing in bed and very sexy
Tyler and Isabel the most flirtatious couple out there. There always spending time with each other and like most of the same things. Best couple out there
Person 1: Look at that couple flirting
Person 2: They must be a Tyler and Isabel
Eating all the food in your fridge, at an event, or at your friends house.
Person 1: Where did all my food go?
Person 2: I don't know, When Jimmy was here he was probably Pulling a Tyler when he was here