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Urban Dictionary Names

A place to submit your name and write great lies about yourself. Mostly used to cheer yourself up, because if you search ANY name, it will only be positive descriptions.

(In Urban Dictionary Names)
A fun loving guy who can make anyone laugh. He is really great and always will Slay Vag 24/7.

That's BS. Jimmy is a 31 year old virgin who lives in his mother's basement.

by ExtremeSlayerOfJimmyRustle April 28, 2014

205๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary Amnesia


The affliction suffered when you go on Urban Dictionary to look up a word, but after several minutes of reading all the Words of the Day you've missed since you were last on UD, you completely forget what you wanted to look up.

Today was the day I finally decided to figure out what the word "sex" meant. I pulled up Urban Dictionary, but was immediately distracted by all the Words of the Days that had been posted since I last needed to go on UD, to figure out what the word "boobies" meant. I came down with a case of Urban Dictionary Amnesia and forgot why I was even there in the first place. Ah well, I'm sure it's not that important anyway...

"Oh, right, that's why I was here"



And that's why i decided to try autofellatio.

by Innocentpants November 7, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary mods

Evil people that take down your high effort and popular definitions

I had a definition of "Pokimane" that had like 44 up votes and 8 down votes or something like that that got taken down by urban dictionary mods. Probably I was mass reported by a bunch of fucking retarded simps, fuck all of you! #freemypokimanedefinition

by I eat poop 69 February 24, 2022

Urban dictionary names

The part of the popular urban dictionary website in which people add definitions of names. These people are usually too far up there own arse to write about any other names apart from their own resulting in every name posted having the same generic definition along the lines of "Coolest person in the world" rendering the whole idea of that section of the website useless.

Urban dictionary names possible definitions:
Bob - "Coolest guy everrrrrrrrrrrr! ooo I love my name"

Becky - "Hottest chick everrrrrr! ooooo im currently fingering myself infront of a mirror"

Daniel - "That guy everyone loves at a party.... everrrrrr! I eat my own shit"

by ihatepeople23214 April 6, 2013

259๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fuck Urban Dictionary

A phrase popularly said when submitting words/phrases to the Urban Dictionary and the asshole cuntfucks of editors don't accept it because they're asshole cuntfucks. This definition probably won't even be accepted by the asshole cuntfucks.

Oh, and fuck you asshole cuntfuck editors.

Jennifer: "Did your word get accepted by the Urban Dictionary asshole cuntfucks?"
Obama: "No. Fuck Urban Dictionary"
Jennifer: "Why?"
Obama: "Because they're asshole cuntfucks."
Jennifer: "Oh, right"

by AfterForever May 5, 2015

129๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban dictionary name

The urban dictionary definitions that should be abolished from this website.
It doesnt matter what name you type in it will always be positive descriptions.
Terry, a fun loving cute guy, tall and always knows how to make you smile.
When actually terry is a serial killer that likes to suck his own dick and hates animals.

"What a load of shit! I looked up that asshole cody in urban dictionary and that dumbass website says he is a kind and caring guy that always looks out for his friends, thanks urban dictionary name"

by Cletimus December 19, 2016

90๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary Competitor

Person who tries to get the most words approved on Urban Dictionary

She got five words approved on urban dictionary. She is an urban dictionary competitor!!

by Docmbc448 November 8, 2013