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Dog bless you

The dog way of saying "god bless you!". I usually think of Snoopy (from peanuts) saying it, and my friend think about this one weird Soviet dog. It's like a terrier or like a tall Mexican street dog idk they showed it to me. Anyway, dog bless you!

A: *achoo!*
B: Dog Bless you!

by 2muchrush September 23, 2022


King of having the best Mutuals and never missing

You._.fwmightgai is the goat

by Fr.mightgai July 29, 2021

Beat you into a bucket of chicken

To open up a can of whoop ass on someone, decapitate them, then cut them into eight pieces of white and dark meat: two breasts, two wings (arms), two thighs, and two legs. The beating continues by coating the person's pieces with seven secret herbs and spices and frying them to an extra, extra crispy texture. The beating concludes by kicking the sizzling, stinking pieces into a six-month old bucket of chicken that's crawling with ants and sharing video of the beating on social media.

You fool, I'm gonna beat you into a bucket of chicken!

by IGKYA53 October 5, 2021

another clean shirt ought to see you out

(phrase) | to appear quite sickly, almost to the point of deathly ill-looking

“you look very ill, another clean shirt ought to see you out. you look as if you'll soon be dead”

by yeraurasux June 2, 2024


No not soon! See noone!

I'll see you soon! OK fuckboys , means NEVER it's a joke on them selves! Shit, they did me a favor! "Ciao"

by Love, Diana.M December 5, 2024

If you flicker then you are a ticker

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted tonabscesses.

Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: If you flicker then you are a ticker

by LeSouffleDeVersailles January 24, 2025

Season you

To season someone means to pepper spray them since pepper is a type of seasoning

Person: Don't mess with me or I'm gonna season your eyes.
Bully: Don't be a wimp. Fight me if you dare.
Person: * proceeds to pepper spray the bully's eyes*

by @gigachad December 17, 2022