In public areas, like church the man says do you want to pop it? Bellisima that's Italian for upgrade.
No you can't do this or that.Yeah right like I would let you do that.
Trisha"Well bye I'm gonna go tell Joey you like him"
Tasha "No You Don't,not while I'm alive."
Hym "The God that YOU worship DOES THAT! IT LITERALLY DOES THAT! IN NUMBERS! NUMBERS 31! HOOOOOOLY SHIT! 'If the God you worship tells you to murder children and rape women... Then you aren't worshipping God' ~ Ben Shapiro. IT DOES THAT! IN THE BIBLE! God... Tells them to kill all of the men, children, and women who have known a man... And then take the little girls as wives... It literally says the thing that you're saying God DOESN'T SAY! It's right there! How do you reconcile that!? How do you reconcile that with the thing you said!? Wow! This is wild! Really, we love ironic punishment until it swings right back around and somebody does a LITERAL number 31 on you... To you... Damn! That's sad. This is kind of sad actually. Hmmm... Oh, well. It's just weird to see you say that God wouldn't tell people to do the thing he definitely told peoole to do!"
A phrase that most tsunderes use
Guy: Hey you’re cute I like you do you feel the same?
Tsundere: H-Hey! It’s not like I like you!
It what all stuck up corporals say to the ranks below them.
Person 1: My room is so messy, but it isn't a promotion course so I don't care
The Corporal: Have you ever been of a corporals course, because on corporals course you have to always have a clean room and you have to do it in 5 minutes.
if you take a shit at your friends house
*at friends house*
me- i need to go to the bathroom
20 minutes later...
friend- why did you took so long?
me- i had to take a shit
friend- ahahhaha you pulled a francis!