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Low taper fade day

So on January 7th 2024 the man Ericdoa released a video of him singing about his life and got too his grandma he didn’t want to cry so he tried to make himself laugh and said “imagine if ninja got a low taper fade” the video blew up in popularity amassing over 10million views the next day ninja found the video and shortly after released a video of him getting a low taper fade after that a picture of ninja in a low taper fade gained popularity and after that the meme spiraled into its own thing

Today is January 7th which means it’s low taper fade day dang that’s so MASSIVE

by overfloww January 8, 2025

4👍 1👎

Shit Low

When in the bid process for services, your bid is the lowest bid out of all the bidders by a wide margin and is most likely missing scope and you most likely have to honor your bid

Our bid for the work was shit low.

by June 8, 2022

Low pockets

Another way to point out a front butt. The pockets of the person with front butt tend to angle down and appear lower then they would on some one without a front butt.

Her front butt was so bad she had Low pockets.

by Ehh69 November 24, 2019

1👍 3👎

Low level course language

Words such as damn and hell

This movie features Low level course language

by Chihuahua44 May 18, 2023

Low Investment Person

Person of deceiving character that, in order to accomplish his/her goals, they befriend other people that are essential to their scope with whom they build one sided relationships.

The way a low investment person works is by keeping the other person in the relationship "hooked" by giving them bits and pieces of attention and value from time to time that leaves them wanting more.

These people are to be found on social media, business environments, friendships and in romantic relationships.

- Did you see that Michael didn't help Alex promote his new book?
- Yes, it's crazy because Alex helped Michael a lot in promoting his book when he released it.
- Ugh, he is such a low investment person!

by JulianaJax December 4, 2020

Low five

When you relate to someone for something sad or feeling sad & depressed.

"Bro I'm feeling lonely"

"low five then"

by Themohaimin March 31, 2021

Doing a Lowe

Securing the undivided love/attention of a girl (usually 8-10 out of 10) & doing absolutely nothing about it

Girl: I love you
Guy: I know

Girl: you should come back to mine
Guy: I will be only if we can talk about anything but sex
Girl: I love you

"Doing a Lowe"

by Smiler1988 October 7, 2013