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special k walk

when you get so fucked up on ketamine that you dont know where you are, dont remember how to use your limbs, and talk constantly about priests abusing small children. the special k walk is a short stutter which ends up in either people hysterically laughing or you realizing that you are sprawled out in the middle of a tennessee field and dont know how the fuck you got there.

B "Holy fuck, Tim is tripping hard on special k"
D "Yeah hes fucked up"
C "Tim, do the special k walk for us"

by HARDMB June 16, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

everybody walk the dinosaur

What fail trolls on 4chan use to end stories that sound interesting to entice readers.

I met someone in the night who had a unique character and personality. She hinted that she wanted a night with me, so we went to her apartment. There was a little light next to the door, I turned it on. She then unlocked the door using her keycard. I chose to open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur.

by sageru March 11, 2011

137๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donald Trump Walk

The act of walking, shuffling, or dancing into a building, hallway, or other location in a manner that makes you appear exceedingly confidant that you're better than any employees or occupants.

Jimmy Donald Trump Walked into that McD's like owned the damn place.

by Inquisitor Longsteel January 20, 2014

425๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž

akward hall walk

When your walking next to someone who you know but have nothing to talk to about between school classes.

today, i was walking next to my crush in the hall, with nothing to say. It was a total akward hall walk.

by singletilldeath.com August 28, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ministry of Silly Walks

A branch of the British government, run by John Cleese, that publishes ways to walk that make you look like an idiot.

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, but I'm afraid my walk has become rather sillier recently, and so it takes me rather longer to get to work.

lt's not particularly silly, is it(Referring to Mr. Pudey's walk)? I mean, the right leg isn't silly at all and the left leg merely does a forward aerial half turn every alternate step.

Now the Japanese have a man who can bend his leg back over his head and back again with every single step. While the Israelis... here's the coffee.

by Alex Linden May 11, 2004

59๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

walking children in nature

A phrase coined by Rupaul's Drag Race contestant TaMMie Brown during Season 1's reunion episode. Turn off your goddamn computer and go walk children in nature.

"You all called me losers and I don't see you out there walking children in nature."--TaMMie Brown

by anxietyblogger May 19, 2014

932๐Ÿ‘ 292๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cat walk ready

Cat walk ready is a term used to describe ones physique after an episode of sickness and or diarrhea.

Natalie: "I've lost 5lbs in 3 days from food poisoning."

Danielle: "Cat walk ready."

Natalie: " I guess but I shit my pants."

by smokington February 24, 2016