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man buddy


1) a closeted but homophobic gay male in denial

2)a man who has connections to male doll toys

"Jake sure is a real man, but he acts like such a man buddy sometimes."

by Milo Hellmalice October 21, 2004

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london mobile buddies

cute phones but stupid videos.

i dont know why i watch london mobile buddies. only reason why is because the phones are so cute!!!!!

by HTF4Ever September 15, 2011

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fuck buddy zoned

Fuck buddy zoned is THE equivalent for males as friend zoning is from girls. Many women HATE being fuck buddy zoned it is often as insulting to girls as friend zoning is to guys.

Fuck buddy zoning means someone- usually a male tells you your only good enough to fuck but not girlfriend material.

Sometimes has bullshit reason like recovering from a bad breakup, divorce, too busy with work but also can just straight up be "you're just not someone I want to be in a relationship with" only admitted after the first bonk has happened.

To feminine pride it's often a HUGE insult repeated instances of which can make women feel like roping (suicide) as much as incels want to rope.

*Day after you have sex for the first time.*
Girl- (Lets call her Shawna)--- Hey do you want to go the movies today?
Guy- (Lets call him Leon)---- Uh....yesterday was really fun.It was so hot. But uh it was just fun I don't want a relationship with you

Next day

Girl's friend ------Hey how it's going with your crush LEON?!!!!!

Shawna -------- Bastard just fuck buddy zoned me. I got fuck buddy zoned again and I feel as angry as Elliot Rodger!

by Cristalle5 December 8, 2018

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juice box buddy

When 2 buddies tag team a girl from two different angles. One from behind, one from the front.. passing a juice box between the two.

Hello, simon nice day today.. would u like a sip of juice?
(as she moans) "Your a great juice box buddy"

by SpencerG January 27, 2007

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f*ck buddy

Is a persons crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend

person1: where is tom?
Person2: he is with his f*ck buddy
Person1: is he actually f*cking them?
Person2: whos knows.

by madsi August 4, 2006

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buddy o pal

Someone you would like to engage in intercourse with but act as if you're not attracted to that person

We should hang out alone buddy o pal

by smartguy22375 March 11, 2015

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Buddy Old Boy

A Catchphrase made popular by "Trent Terry" and "Jiorden Mavric" on "Trent Terry and Friends"

Trent and Jiorden ( at the same time while shaking each others hands) - "Buddy Old Boy, Buddy Old Boy, Buddy Old, Buddy Old, Buddy Old Boy"

by Muppetguy123 March 15, 2019

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