When you've been craving Chinese food and your friend promises she'll go with you.... then bails.
Grace and I had been planning on going to PF Changs for months. When we finally picked a date she ghosted me! Now I'm stuck with Chinese blue balls!
What British people refer to as British Chinese food.
It’s literally McDonalds but they drown it in curry sauce and fried rice
Me scrolling through TikTok:
A random Brit (I’m not the best at translating it to English so forgive me): I love ordering a chinese
Me: Scrolls because shut the fuck up
A Mexican friend of Danny Brown.
Got a Mexican homie named Chinese Mike.
Ethnic Chinese youths were born and raised in Malaysian refuses their Malaysia born and pretending to be Mainland Chinese due to racial problem in Malaysia. They are very racist and against Southeast Asian people , use "Monkey" word to offend anybody they don't like , which is very popular used word in Mainland China.
Typical Chinese Wannabe : "I'm Chinese and I'm taller than you , my IQ is very high. I'm white"
When a Chinese man ejaculates on you in the shower then proceeds to lick your entire body, spreading the semen.
"Hey Chin do you want to ride some bikes?" "No Mike, I have to give my girlfriend a Chinese bathing."
a scam whereby the perpetrator avoids honest patterns of behavior by having you run back and forth to them, calling them out on bullshit, or running around in circles in a general manner, always to return to the source, which perpetuates your cycle of having to avoid them, and go or do some other task which does not produce a desired result.
you told me three days ago to talk to our friend about that, and he said its your problem, now quit playing chinese horse ass games and fix it.
1. Chinese burn performed by a rope or someone giving someone else a Chinese burn while using rope.
2. When a rope pulls your skin while giving you rope burn.
'This harness is giving me Chinese rope-burn.'