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Hitler High Five

When two nazi feel really good after killin some jews they do something called the hitler high five which is a motion of pointing your hand in the air and smacking ones hand

Nazi 1:"Ve Just Kelled som jewz" nazi 2: "zuck vah brozah" *hitler high five*

by mimict2 November 10, 2020

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High fived the tree

smoking weed(marijuana)...

naw we just hung out and high fived the tree

by MArijuana follower June 30, 2010

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millionaire high five

A high five that is only exchanged with other millionaires

millionaire high five ! just make sure to exclude any poor people

by livingitlarge April 24, 2011

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Nigga force five

A derogatory term used against a group blacks who are or are perceived as weebs or fans of anime

Damn look it's the nigga force five

jacking off to doki doki literature club

by Handy mat July 19, 2019

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Group High Five

When more than two people; ie a group, participate simultaneously in a high five

Person 1: Dude that was totally awesome!
Person(s) 2,3,4 etc: Hell Yeah!
Person 1: Group High Five!!!!
All participants high 5 with the person next to them whilst using any and all available hands.

by EJavez September 18, 2009

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Facebook High Five

When someone "likes" a comment you have made on another person's status, and you "like" the same comment in response.

This is the first recorded use of the Facebook High Five between the accredited inventor Jason Dominguez, and his friend Gary Wynans, and serves as an example of it's use:

Gary Wynans applaud this man!
9 minutes ago · Unlike · 2

Jason Dominguez The way to applaud on facebook is the double like... it can also be used as a virtual high five... let me show you....
8 minutes ago · Like

Gary Wynans i WISH facebook had a high 5 button
6 minutes ago · Like

Jason Dominguez This is serve as proof we invented it... Don't delete this status... we may be coming into a nice fat check pretty soon!
5 minutes ago · Like

Jason Dominguez UP HIGH!
4 minutes ago · Unlike · 2

by Jaybevil December 2, 2011

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homo high five

Two gay dudes smacking balls

I came home early from work and My roommate was giving another dude the homo high five.

by Shaun ness November 17, 2014

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