Source Code

yogurt jizz

When you open a container of yogurt and the liquid part shoots anywhere on anyones person.

That yogurt jizz just got all over her face. I better get her cleaned up.

by Sippysaywhat February 27, 2016

Jizz Lock

One of the most controversial techniques in territorial marking.

The dominant male interlocks the prey's head between its legs and as the prey is struggling in the vice grip, the dominant male whoops out its penis and jerks off. The marker then jizzes on the victim's face.

The victim is then considered a bitch.

Use move with caution.

*can also be used off a wall run with the hunter lunging on the victims head

Guy 1: man, you totally handled Hannah last night

Guy 2: I got her in a Jizz Lock.

Guy 1: LMFAO *gives 15 dollars

by Wrestle Mania May 14, 2011



jizz twinkies are a fun way to ejaculate :)

Guy: "wanna help me to create jizz twinkies"

by Gay_kid June 18, 2021

Jizz wank

A fat wanker

Go away you jizz wank

by Clit popper January 8, 2018


the white colored spunk that comes out of any interracial.

Him: I jizz-ed my pants yesterday
Her: Show me

by Jizzproducer69 May 13, 2023


When you ejaculate on to a girl's body.

When you put your sausage into her and jizz comes out of your sausage.

by @ilikebigcox November 29, 2021


when a male homo sapien sees a female homo sapien, he gets a bit exited, and jizzes all over her.

I jizzed on your mom

by dasaggyballman9 June 4, 2024