A fat oaf capable of shagging your next door neighbors son. He loves the smell and taste off dingleberries and puts moldy Xbox controllers up his arse. People refer to him as a spazmoid eating burgers all day. His diet reguards Callum Wilkins Cheesy dick up his arse, lee burns dribble over his man tits and he also eats cat shite all day.
“Omg look at that joe beardmore, oh wait no it’s shreck”
“Mom what is that?”
“Jimmy it’s a joe beardmore”
“Oh no, (Jimmy starts crying and commits suicide)”
Not going to school for a very long time
"You coming in tomorrow" "na I'm going to do a joe daly"
1: The act of verbally one upping someone.
2: Someone who verbally one ups someone with a blatant lie.
3: A generally disliked cunt
Person a: "Last week something funny happened, I was waiting for the bus when someone dropped threatened to beat me up for no reason".
Person b: "Oh yeah, that happened to me this morning but the person pulled out a HUGE 14 INCH SERRATED MILITARY GRADE KNIFE AND HELD IT TO MY THROAT"
Person a: "You're such a fucking Joe Morley"
A guy who comments on FB posts that offend captain marvel because he's hoping she will show up and spank him.
What how dare you she will marry me someday.
Quit being a Joe daugherty.
When a man ejaculates on his own hand and then slaps a chic on the face
Did u hear about Donna? Her and John went to the mop closet so she could swallow his load and he pulled out and nutted in his hand then slapped Donna. She had to walk out of mop closet with his nut on her face and in her hair.. All the office personnel now knows she's John's bitch.. He gave her the ol sloppy joe
When your crippling orgasm has a little feces added to the mix.
I had a sloppy Joe last night.
Complete and utter drug taking weird slob. Frequenter of West Yorkshire night club toilets. Creator of the mixed bag.
Me: Do you know Bradford Joe
Stranger: Yes he spiked me with Mkat, he needs putting down.