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Mad Nice Yo

A slang term that originated from a group of teenagers under the influence of a large amount of marijuana who had overly positive events happen while they were high that they unknowingly thought of a new trendy way to say when they approved of something.

Marc: the Gatorade machine just gave me 2 gatorades
Alex: Mad Nice Yo !

by BevDistrict November 2, 2011

Dance of the Mad Shitter

When you wake up one morning to find the gates of your asshole ready to give way, consequently you find yourself having to to fucking charge to the bathroom to ensure that the brown discharge lands in the goddamn shitter and not your undergarments.

"I woke up early and saw eddie charge past me to the john.. Damn son, it must have been the Dance of the mad shitter."

by El chicken January 4, 2015

Mad about you

It means I'm CRAZY about you, I love you, I REALLY like you and I am obsessed by you. I'm falling for you.

"He told me 'I'm mad about you'"... "Aww, he's probably falling for you"

by Blanksora January 14, 2017

gay shit mad

Being so mad that you will turn down everything. Even a blowjob.

Bladen: Sean are you ready to party?

Sean: *no reply*

Bladen: What are you fucking gay shit mad?


by Gayshitmadshawn November 11, 2019

Fransisco The Mad Fingerer

A lesser known historical figure born in Versailies, France in 1684. Fransisco is widely considered ahead of his time in regards to non-coital sexual activities. It is commonly believed that Fransisco was the creator of the sexual act known as fingering. During his adolescent years, it is believed Fransisco fingered over 200 women. He was eventually expelled from LaFolette’s School for Boys after administrators read accounts of all his fingering in his diary. After being expelled from school Fransisco reportedly went on a massive fingering rampage spanning the years 1692 until 1715. During said rampage Fransisco is believed to have fingered around 3,000 women, 300 men, 14 goats, and one ostrich, earning him the name of “The Mad Fingerer.” Eventually, Fransisco was bested by a younger Dutchman by the name of Hein Van Eriksson. As written by an eyewitness, Eriksson bested Fransisco by fingering his anal cavity, causing a deep state of depression for Fransisco. Knowing he was no longer the best fingerer in the land Fransisco ran up on his own sword and died in January of 1734. However, Fransisco’s legacy remains today as he is still recognized as the greatest fingerer of all time. Actually, France celebrates his heroic legacy by having “Fransisco Fingers Day” every June 17th, on this holiday young Frenchman indulge in their fantasies and roam the streets of France, fingering every woman in sight without fear of sexual harassment charges.

Fransisco The Mad Fingerer invented the art of fingering.

by GNK.Monkey69 July 2, 2020

mad cuh bad

When someone is mad because they’re bad at something

Bob: mad?
Rj: fuk u noob
Bob:Mad cuh bad jajaja

by Rjmadcuhbad December 20, 2017

mad trigger crew

A group of three clearly frustrated men in their mid to late twenties that represent the Yokohama Division in the Hypnosis Mic / Hypnosis Microphone franchise. Mad Trigger Crew consists of ex-soldier (and master chef) Rio Mason Busujima, also known as "Crazy M", corrupt policeman (and bully of children) Jyuto Iruma, also known as "45 Rabbit" and the leader Samatoki Aohitsugi, the biggest edgelord you'll ever meet, also known as "miStEr HaRdcOre (yOkoHaMa bAd boi) "

Mad Trigger Crew represents Yokohama Division in the organized Division Rap Battles of the Hypnosis Mic franchise

MTC is actually one of my favourite divisions

by steffy_baka August 3, 2021