A normal heterosexual person but is low key really gay. He sometimes jokes about being with other men but deep inside he really means it
I think I’m a Matt, I joke about being gay but I don’t want want my friends calling me gay
The one guy in vampire diaries that never dies this guy is irritating and irrelevant he's still alive while all the immortals are dead like bitch die!!!
Is Also Know To Be Hypocrites, Liars, Know It All, Nosey, Fake. Big Asshole to make up for their small dicks. You will see them driving around in A larger truck goes with their big ego.
Oh their pulling a Matt..
Matt is a loyal guy he dosent like being bossed around.When Matt gets mad he totally its off the chart.
Hey do you think thats Matt?Friend:yes cause hes MAD OH NO
the most powerfull being along with shaggy with his incredible LV2511
oh man i was enjoing wii sports but matt appeared im fuc**d
A mafia boss, he can only be spoken to as sir and boss
Hello Matt, are you the real mafia boss
A Matt is the best dad you can get. They love being sarcastic and making jokes. They are very smart and hard working. As a kid the are very athletic. They give good advice. They are usually short.