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National Punch a Ginger Named Parker Day

On January 26th, it is Punch A Ginger Named Parker Day.

"Hey Tom! Did you hear today is National Punch a Ginger named Parker day?"

by haha2576 January 26, 2023

National kick a boy named Jacob day

November 19th is National Kick a boy named Jacob day. Any kid named Jacob, kick them.

Random person:“Hey Jacob it’s National kick a boy named Jacob day”
Jacob: “uh oh..”

by Skskmoto November 19, 2019

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a person named summer in discord

Summer would be someone that is completely duky butty, but duky butty with a passion.

a person named summer in discord is duky butty.

by CHIKCEN BOOTY 69 September 27, 2021

1👍 8👎

I hate it when a llama named Carl

A top result when you type in the Google search bar "I hate it when" - this particular phrase is a reference to the Filmcow series Llamas with Hats; specifically episode 1 where we see a handless corpse of a man leaning up against a wall. Paul inquires to his friend Carl what happened, after which Carl confesses to stabbing the man 37 times and eating his hands because he had "the rumblies". This google result alludes to being from the perspective of the stabbed man.

I hate it when a llama named Carl stabbed me in the chest 37 times and eats my hands.

by donutreplyplz July 1, 2022

National “Kiss anyone named Moses” Day

If you know anyone named “Moses” then you are required to kiss them.

someone: hey, it’s National “Kiss anyone named Moses” Day
someone named moses: say less!

by Moses Day February 26, 2020

National N and L names fuck day

A day where people who’s names start with N and L must have sex on May 15th

Luci: I’m so excited to fuck Nicole today for national N and L names fuck day
Albert: Wow I sure wish I could celebrate a day like this

by nives24645 May 15, 2021

4👍 2👎

Fuck y’all our names have meaning

No one cares about what your judgy ass thinks and you are in fact hating.

fuck y’all our names have meaning and you’re a hating ass hoe

by Gioawesomeness November 24, 2021

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