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Explode A Woman Day

On 19th of November, You will be blessed with the permission to explode one woman, with a napalm bomb, or a tub of mustard gas,

Bob: Hey, its Explode a Woman day, Let's Explode Your Ex
Bill: Sure, I'll buy the bomb

by ruborman November 14, 2021

Difficult Woman

A woman is described in the workplace as a Difficult Woman due to disagreeing with a man, rebuffing sex in workplace, having desires which conflict with the status quo

Difficult Woman...

Dino told his colleagues not to work with Lisa because she is a 'Difficult Woman ' (by which I mean she rebuffed my inappropriate sexual advances or failed to submit to my arbitrary authority)

by Hank Ford February 16, 2023

Woman to woman

It comes from the song “Woman to woman” by Shirley Brown. It means that said man is cheating with someone else.

Hence why the song builds up to “ So woman to woman. I don't think it's being anymore than fair. Then to call you and let you know where I'm coming from” to explain to Barbara (from Shirley’s POV) that the man she’s seeing is already spoken for.

Natalie: Do you think Richard is attractive? He’s been flirting with me for a week now.

Janice: ..Woman to woman.. Richard is seeing someone for 6 years now.

by AsToldBy June 17, 2022

YAOBW (yet another old bitter woman)


Today I got yelled by yaobw (yet another old bitter woman)

by Im42 February 26, 2024

Woman Up

With Ovaries, Mastering Accentuated Negativity Under Pressure🤲)

P1: Hey, why are you acting all emotional and sad

P2: I got my employee review. My evaluation says I got an attitude problem, which cost me my annual raise

P1: But they gave you feedback about how to fix that right?

P2: yeah!

P1: Well, then WOMAN UP! As a woman, you MUST exude strength always! So With Ovaries, Master this accentuated (highlighted) negative you received under pressure! They just told you how to get your money up! So go get your money up!

P2: True! Thanks for flipping that around; instead of pouting, I'm planning!

by Liqr1 August 14, 2021

Woman's intuition

A woman's intuition is like a superpower that a woman is born with, and it remains with her forever. It is this little albeit powerful voice inside of her spirit. Like a good cop trying to protect her, it warns her of dangerous situations. It will likely save her life several times. A woman's intuition is a gift from God.

Keshia: You gotta hear this.
Faith: What is it?
Keshia: A few weeks ago, a guy asked me out, but I turned him down because I had an uneasy feeling about it. This morning, I was watching the news, and I saw that that same guy was arrested for assault. I'm lucky I didn't go with him.
Faith: That ain't luck, that's your woman's intuition.

by BJ Everyday September 27, 2023


Word: (noun) Woman-Avoiding

Definition: Someone, typically a woman, says something that you don't hear, so You ask what they've said, and they refuse to tell you. This makes you feel bad, like you've lost the privilege to know what has been said in the voidance of your conscious.

Robby: "What did you say?"
Denika: "Nope, doesn't matter, you weren't listening."
Robby: "Oh, stop woman-avoiding!"

by Ros333 September 20, 2022