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word to your mother

a brief talking and exchanging of words in private or the exchanging of words that are the prefixes of a Fight

*see* ma dukes

yo your mama was trippin i had to have a "word to your mother"

by JayKay February 25, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mother Of All Bitch Slaps

With your fingers open as wide as you can and the first knuckle of your fingers and thumb slightly bent so as to expose your fine ass bitch nail did, raise your arm straight up over your head and then dramtically bend your elbow so that your hand drops below your head while simultaneously throwing the opposite hip out as far as you can. When you feel that your waist is about to implode jerk your head forward with a buck toothed spasm in your mouth and allow your elbow to come forward followed by your hand. As the palm of your hand strikes the face in a downward motion, be sure to rake the findernails across the eyes, nose and mouth of the intended target.

Low-Qwee-Shawn-Tay got to steppin' up on that skank ass ho who was ribbin' it out front of Booba Stank's Grill on Fifth and Howard, you know, the one with the plastic weave and the six toes? Well anyways Big Boi's babies momma commenced to hit that rib slurpin' bitch with the mother of all bitch slaps. When she was done it looked like somebody had added ketchup to that bitch's Barbeque Sauce!

by I Seen It Live... February 20, 2007

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

sexy ass mother trucker

a description for someone who is just so damn fine that you can't leave it a just "sexy". you gots ta add the "ass mother trucker",because it really does make that much of a difference. :D

Damnnn that boy is one sexy ass mother trucker.

by ReeShiie September 29, 2006

103๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

Great Britain, America's Mother.

Great Britain, the greatest, the proudest, one of the intelligent countries on earth.
Britain: Invented Industrial Revolution, The Computer, The Worldwide Web. The British invented many inventions used by America.

Britain: America decended from. 79% Of Americans have a British surname.

Britain: Influences America in all ways, America name their cities after Britain. (New England) (New London) (Leicester) (Manchester) (Birmingham) (Redding) (Lancaster) Ect.

Britain: Holds the worlds largest Empire of all time.
Namely Rule Britannia.
As this is fact, I believe many Americans hate the fact that such a small Island like Britain ruled 1/4 of the planet including their American land.

America: Claim they "kicked our asses" in the war of Independence, (Revoltuinary war) but purposely forget to mention that they single handed couldn't defeat us.
As long as they pray to who ever it is they pray to.. at nights, mornings, ect. and thank the French in their prayers they should be fine.
The war of 1812, where the British defending Canada against American invasion. Britain: The winner.

America: Always say "we saved your asses" in world war two. Now...to a certain extent, that is true...but, it wasn't America by themselves who saved the day.
All three allied victory powers, (America) (Britain) and (Russia) were all vital.
Russia defeated 75% of the German forces alone.
Britain held it's own for a period of time and fought off the Nazi aircrafts with the RAF although outnumbered.

Americans attacking from the Atlantic ocean would of been impossible. Americans needed Britains airbases to attack and invade Germany from. Along with further British Colonial reinforcements across the globe. (Royal Navy).

America: Electrocutes people, Gasses them.
America: Arrested for Jay-walking.
America: Pays for Hospital treatment.

Britain: NHS free healthcare.
Britain: spreaded the most populer language on earth.

America: Invent Sports such as American football.
If you havn't heard of that sport, it's probably because only Americans play it. It's moreless a British game but with the body armor and helmits called Rugby where Americans got their idea from.

Americans play Baseball, another British idea from a girls game called "rounders" which is infact Baseball but without the fancy gear that "Yanks" wear.

Britain is by far the best Country in the world.
I think Americans know this and the majority of them who actually do know this, no matter what the arrogant Yanks say, are very polight and respectable.

America: Money, Power, But bad undereducated history classes.

America: Think they're always right when they have the worse educational system on earth.

Great Britain, America's Mother.

by Rule Britannia0116 July 28, 2009

115๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž

Average Looking Mother Fucker

An Average Looking Mother Fucker is a drop shot originating in Edmonton Alberta that involves dropping a shot of raspberry vodka in the cheapest energy drink you can find. Often used to start a night after getting zombied the night before.

Get the Average Looking Mother Fuckers lined up!

by JunkYardDog11 August 20, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

pussy ass mother fucker

the act of fucking someones mother (if your really fucked up it could be your own mom also) in the ass and pussy at the same time

"Todd... you.... you, pussy ass mother fucker.... you dick sucker!!!"

by mark palmer March 16, 2004

227๐Ÿ‘ 166๐Ÿ‘Ž

I fucked your mother

To enjoy sexual intercourse with one's mother, see mother fucker.

I am a butt pirate! I fucked your mother!

by Billybojangles December 5, 2003

41๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž