When someone is dressed sexy and their clothing would look great, crumpled on your bedroom floor.
kruhm-puh l
verb (used with object), crum·pled, crum·pling.
to press or crush into irregular folds or into a compact mass; bend out of shape; rumple; wrinkle.
to cause to collapse or give way suddenly:
Example: Hey Mike, did you see what she was wearing? Yeah, those clothes would look great crumpled on my bedroom floor. crumple test
A quiz game inspired by "The Impossible Quiz." Fifty levels that start off easy, but eventually require careful observation and brain power in order to figure them out.
The Vision Test is known for being just as difficult as The Impossible Quiz, only negated by the fact that there are checkpoints. Level 47 & Level 49 are particularly notorious. Have fun!
We're you touch someone and you see how many levels you can make it through without giving up and level 50-53 are for boyfriend and girlfriend
Boy-hey do u wanna play the awkward test
Girl-no thanks I can never get past level 5
When a girl is trying to determine what she can get away with in front of her boyfriend by gradually increasing her sexual nature with another guy in front of him.
Dave didn't think much about his girlfriend's playful banter with the waiter, but when she started to make out with him, he knew he knew she was cuck testing him.
A phrase often said by annoying high school girls right before taking a test that they know they most certainly will not fail.
Girl 1: "I'm going to fail this test"
Everyone else: "You literally studied more than this entire class combined, STFU-"
When you fuck her through either nostril.
Bro, I think I touched her brain. That was definetely a Coronavirus Test.