Source Code

Text Message Constipation

When you receive your cell phone texts long after they were sent to you.

I woke up this morning and and 50 new messages. Too bad they were all from last week. My cell phone had some serious text message constipation.

by Horny Johnny March 11, 2011

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Texting Down Syndrome

Commonly known as TDS, is a term used when you accidentally send a text to a different person who you are having a separate conversation with that is completely irrelevant

(Bill to Amy) "I cant wait to see you again baby!"

(Amy to Bill) "I know, you made me feel so amazing..."

(Bill to JASON) " You were my first you know...."

(Jason to Bill) "What the hell are you talking about???"

(Bill to Jason) "SH*T... sorry Jason. Must be my Texting Down Syndrome again."

by BAwrestler12 July 1, 2011

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text me already :(

we haven’t talked in so long, i rlly miss our convos. i’m too wuss to text u first tho, sorry :P.

text me already :(. wthh >:((

by urss1mp October 13, 2021

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pop a text off

telling someone your texting

person 1 hey man whats up

person 2 not much hang on man i got to pop a text off

by lil bob jon 72 May 27, 2009

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machine gun texts

Texts that come in one per nanosecond, leaving you feeling like you're under attack.

Machine Gun Texter (MGT): Hey. 4:20
MGT: Whatchya doin? 4:20
MGT: Wanna come over? 4:20
MGT: Scott is coming over. 4:20
MGT: Kurt too. 4:20
MGT: You should definitely come over. 4:20
You: Hey! Enough machine gun texts. 4:21

by c_papav January 15, 2015

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TW(texting whore)

to have very dirty awkward talk over text messaging

I had a very bad conversation on a text msg last night. Now everyone is calling me a TW(texting whore).

by Tanishiak April 19, 2008

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History Text Book

The symbolic name on the street for cash - money.

Ive got the history text book, now pass me the Pencil (street name for LSD) see Defintion of Pencil

by Jamal Walker September 18, 2003

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