Wolfy Gamer Alt is a Socialize member on discord who is extremely popular and cool. Most people would be confused who he is but Wolfy Gamer Alt is a popular man through out the server. He is well known to his YouTube videos that are extremely funny for some reasons.
man1 : Hey have you heard of Wolfy Gamer Alt?
man2 : Yea I've heard of him he's cool tbh
When a person who likes to play games most of the day gets their technology taken away, and then spends their whole day sitting around sleeping, crying, etc.
Mom: I took my kids Xbox because he broke my TV and now he has Gamer Fatigue!
Mom's Friend: My kid always has that too! It's almost like it's contagious!
MRG(Mystical Rune Gamers) is a professional Fortnite clan that is made up of mostly Ps4 players. MRG's leader is MRG_GIL and our founder MRG_NEGATIVE
I Wish I could join MRG(Mystical Rune Gamers)
quando tu quiser falar q alguem ta de hack sem o cara q ta de hack descobrir q c ta falando dele
A phrase used to ironically describe a 'cringey' or mundane action.
It will usually be followed by a sunglasses emoji to display the epicness of the phrase.
I just did my homework Gamer Style 😎
An epic Minecraft YouTuber who has a very inconsistent YouTube schedule who you should subscribe to
Joe: Have you heard of Forward Gamer?
Sans: Yeah, he makes good content but cant ever upload.