A cool guy that gets the girls is also an amazing rapper has got a great talent and his gonna blow up when their older
Your so Lil Coopz I wish I could be you
Someone you love and is very close to your heart
Your my lil x
One if the most iconic barbz Ever. They've been with Nicki since forever. Always reply fast. Without a doubt best barb
Lil Kummyᴺᴹ is the best barb and their kum stains come in second
A wannabe music artist with a serious yeast infection in the mouth.
I hope you don't have lil aizy.
1👍 1👎
SoundCloud rapper with the most 🆑🅾️⛎✝️ In the history of the Universe
Niggas be like, “Ayo u heard that Lil Semen he fire asf” that new shit go hard
A guy that haves hella clout and he’s super fresh, also he’s typically a rapper that people like. He dates every girl he sees
Bro that guy lil barnie is a gee