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Son of their great-grandparent’s half-sibling with the other great-grandparent’s full sibling.

My sesqui-great-cousin-uncle is a good person.

by Hgcloziw November 23, 2019

Uncle Terry

Uncle Terry is that one guy who everyone likes at a barbecue.

Auntie Karen: Uncle Terry has a thicc ass

by XxNiggaxX April 16, 2022


Man who shuts himself out in his basement from his wife and kids and sustains a healthy diet of weed, faygo, and Destiny 2. He also likes to feed off the sorrow of others.

Man look at that Uncle over there”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure he’s high right now”

by Gay tomis November 27, 2019


A man who lives a life of leisure, fishing, rubbing meats, smoking cannabis and drinking piss tasting IPA's. They also snag a lot of aunties.

This definition comes from the warm springs Indian reservation.

"Lamar moved to the mountain to live that uncle life.

by Jwickedg October 2, 2022


Just like an extra cheeky father, but weaker and in the distance.

Uncle Terry died! (He went on fire!)”

by BiggerChap November 25, 2023


touches that pp and booty cause he likes woman but he gay gay

uncle: hey sport toot it or boot it

by swampy21dumb on twitter and ig May 20, 2021


1.The man who teaches you the things you didn't learn in school.

2. The man who shows you things you were not supposed to .

"Last night my uncle showed me where children come from" Said laura "Really? My uncle showed me that when I was 4" Replied Stacy

by An intelegent human January 21, 2020