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Bloody Gun Slinger

A vile sex act when you have sex with a girl while she is on her period, then take your dick out and slap her in the face with it, while promptly shooting your load in her eye.

After watching that movie, I'm gunna show her a bloody gun slinger.

by badgay November 26, 2007

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held a gun in church

While in church, giving a person next to you a hand job under a blanket. Does not have to be a BF, bonus points if you're gay and even more bonus points if you're black.

Brandon held a gun in church with Damarcus on Sunday. What a sloppy mess.

by bertos55 February 12, 2018

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machine gun theory

when a man is hitting on multiple women in hopes of at least landing one, similar to a spray and pray with a machine gun, since during a spray and pray there is always a high chance that at least one bullet will hit its mark.

Joseph was super horny, so he utilised the renowned machine gun theory to get some pussy.

by PapoTruco00976 January 6, 2018

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Gun Money Handshake

A common practice of selling firearms in an informal setting without submitting the purchaser to a background check. Surprisingly, it is perfectly legal in most places for rifles and shotguns but handguns are usually prohibited (considering statistics, rifles and shotguns are used in a small percentage of crime).

GMH makes purchasing old or used guns at shows or flea markets a breeze. However, you must always fill out paperwork to purchase new firearms from a dealer.

Gun Money Handshake:
Guy: Wow, M1 Garands! How much for this one?

Old Guy: $800 please.

Guy: <pays> Here you go.

Old Guy: Pleasure doing business.

Background check:
Guy: Cool, the new Bushmaster ACR! I'll take it!

Dealer: Have a seat and fill out this paperwork, please.

<15 mins>

Dealer: <calls insta-check hotline, guy is clear> That'll be $2,715.34 with tax and $20 transfer fee.

Guy: <pays>

Dealer: Pleasure doing business.

by PinkPanzer November 26, 2011

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guns and Jesus candidate

An increasingly popular phrase used to describe Mike Pence who has now thrown his asshat into the ring.

It is as yet unclear whether or not Mr Pence has fully embraced the phrase, โ€˜guns and Jesus candidate,โ€™ but he does admit that he feels it has a clever ring to it.

by Dr Bunnygirl June 7, 2023

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Machine Gun Reflex

The sudden impulse to turn around and smile at your friends the first time you fire a fully automatic weapon.

-This phenomenon also happens each time you shoot an automatic weapon larger in caliber than your previous experience.

Guy #1- Dude, I got to shoot a .50 cal for the first time today and I was all smiles.

Guy #2- Sounds like you couldnt hold back the machine gun reflex.
Guy #1- Well they say, "Happiness is a belt-fed weapon".

by epimethius05 March 11, 2010

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Guns Gone Wild!

An unexpected lucky break. Or when despite the odds everything seems to be going your way.

Guns gone wild!!! I win again!!!

by The Captive Spirit August 24, 2010

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