Source Code

all in good time

some day you will see

all in good time my love

by abcdefggggggggg March 8, 2017

Who's all coming

A slang for saying who all are coming as in entirely

Who's all coming to the dinner?

by SassyDKing September 21, 2018

Jackson of all trades

Someone who is smart, athletic and gives grade A blow jobs

Hey that guy’s a Jackson of all trades

by JacksonOfManyTrades January 14, 2019

all semen eye

A trio of men blowing each other, making an Illuminati triangle shape.

Time to form the All Semen Eye and let our powers combine!

by deakonlogic September 19, 2019

I'm all done

Children new to going poop on the toilet usually say this. Its usually followed up by "come and wipe me" until their taught how to wipe themselves.

little joey: I'm all done, come and wipe me. mom: Okay I'm coming.

by jimmybomm June 27, 2020

know it all nigga

same as a "nigga know it all", cept he "knows" first then the rest of his title follows, I'm a "know it all nigga", nah meen nigga.

Who's that?
That's "Nigga Know it ALL"!
Who's that?
He's the nigga that know's everything. He used to be just a "know it all". But he uh nigga. So we call him "Nigga Know it All".
Oh so you say'n there wasn't any other "know it all niggas" running around before him. Nope. I mean yeah. A lot of them niggas be know'n it all niggas but he the top one so we call him "Nigga Know it ALL"! and his followers are all "know it all niggas".

by William P. Freely June 12, 2014

all year round

give all girls with the name Monique all the love and affection bc she’s out here tryna know your heart

She can get it all year round.

by 879KRG October 18, 2019