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all around vision

A term used to define the vision that a boy named John with shaggy hair might have.

Me: Hey John Lennon! How’s the all around vision?
John: Shut up please

by moorecholeplease May 27, 2021

riff around

Some one who goes out or sleeps with lots of people

My friend Brodie is a riff around cos he has gone out with 5 different girls this weak

by Lnichjonesey November 6, 2020

Jeroming Around

The act of chilling when you have friends doing work.

Jim: That darn Jonas is jeroming around while we do all this hard work!
Bob: Yeah, he needs to learn to work harder.

by The Toast Man October 31, 2019

Mob around

I thing that gay people say when they want to have sex with each other.

“Hey do you want to mob around tonight?”
Naw man I’m not gay.”

by SquillyF April 30, 2022

Thumbin Around

1.The act of making money off of your phone, tablet or ipad.

2. Counting money

I've been thumbin around all day on my phone.

by LGNDRY February 29, 2024

water around the boulder

Wanting to avoid answering a particular question or speaking about a particular subject, but still trying to be respectful enough to give an honest answer, even if it is a little bullshit.

Even though there are still 10 weeks left in the 2018-2019 NFL season, will Patrick Mahomes be the league MVP? "He's doing a good job but still has a lot to learn. Also, I know you had to ask that question so I'm just trying to put some water around the boulder.

by Pseudonym? November 12, 2018

Shooting Around the Dark

Not to random Guess

Friend: So who committed arson?
Friend 2: It was Him
Friend 3: No it wasn't me dumbass
Me: Stop shooting around the dark, we aren't getting somewhere

by TheRealGeoBoy March 3, 2021