adding "boots" to the end of any adjective is totally a thing
Today is sweet boots!
Dude, don't get technical boots.
The word boot is created by Megan
Boot is a word for french wannabes
The word boot means bird
Look at that boot over there !
That is such a big boot!
That boot scared me !
(adj): An unattractive girl or woman. The term could also relate to an event as well. The word is short for booty, the “y” is taken off and an “s” is added at the end. Hence the term.
“He definitely upgraded his old wife was boots”
“Nah I didn’t go to the party I heard it was boots”
Short for “boots the house down” or “house down boots”. It emphasizes a positive descriptor with a lgbtq/drag connotation.
“You slayed that performance boots”
“My bestie is getting arrested boots” - caption of a humorous tiktok where the creator is applying fierce makeup while her bestie is getting arrested.
When A Person Is Extremely Ugly
Dump Your Side Vro She's A Boots