When Scaffolders engages in the sexual act of placing the tip of there helmets against an Arse hole that’s being spread open, then the owner of the arse hole shits directly onto it, the scaffolder then Jams his shit covered cock strait back up the arse hole for anal shenanigans
Blake’s got a pretty Arse, I bet he’s good at Bubbling In …
Yeah mate, I met this filthy bar maid the other day we went out for a curry and i accidentally ended up Bubbling In her ring piece, she loved it, next week we’re going all you can eat Buffett then we’re going for more bubbling in action,
The only Mario Party mini game that matters.
We should do a series of just bubble brawl.
When you take a shit that looks like a ball. Smells worse than any other shit you've ever taken. Often times found after Mexican food. Also see diarrhea.
My meal at Taco Bell was delicious, but they didn't quite like me leaving a Stinky Bubble in their bathroom.
A very foul smelling fart that bubbles out of your butthole.
His bubble cheese was so bad it made the girl gag.
Someone who shares the same thoughts and you only want to share you space with them (bestfriend)
Karalyne and Ann are the bubble buddy’s at the party
A girl that gargels your cum before she swallows.... Plays with it and blows bubbles with it before swallowing .
Dang that bubble bitch blew bubbles with my cum yo...
Something (such as a character or vehicle in a video game) that can take a certain amount of damage without any degradation of performance, until the point at which it runs out of hitpoints and suffers spontaneous existence failure.
The idea is that it's like a bubble in the sense that when it's destroyed, it just suddenly "pops" out of existence, but it's made of lead, so it's stronger than an actual bubble.
The name comes from Megaman 2, where one of the weapons Megaman could get was called the "Bubble Lead". Which was probably a reference to how it "leads" you and finds hidden pits, but a lot of people started pronouncing it like the metal lead...
I put so many shield generators on my ship that it's practically a lead bubble now. 1,000 HP worth of shields, and 150 HP worth of internal components... one hit from a wave motion gun once the shields are down and it's toast!