A GREAt person who is soft and nice no homo
Some Gay: Who Jelly Bean
Me: Best person to breathe
a fatherless bozo who gets roatset by big ball v1nce all the time along with other fatherless fucking png tubers
v1nce: jelly bean is
fucking fatherless
A disabled person who has no use of their legs
I lost to a jelly bean cuz I couldn’t drop shot it
Someone who is Jealous. Mainly a cute way to call out a side piece or the main with out offending their very existence.
Girl: *talking to someone other then the main*
Main: ... *looking mad as hell*
Girl: *tries to be cute knowing damn well she ain’t* aww, come here my little jelly bean!
When you accidentally slam an item that you weren't supposed to make because you were not paying attention
You: Crap!!! I didn't mean to make zephyrs, it was supposed to be a sunfire.
Me: Oh you just pulled a Jelly Bean.