The act of “tuggin it” for personal pleasure.
“I’m going to drop off my kid at the nurses so I can jone in peace”
Being called a Jones means that your a terrible defender as in Phil Jones the terrible England and Manchester United defender
Your playing like Jones!!!
Your worse than Jones!!!
Anyone who indulges in a number of malicious or ill-intentioned schemes or deceit in order to slander or cause harm to someone else. This includes, but is not limited to: sharing deep personal secrets about others, manipulating others to do your bidding and then discarding of them when they are no longer of use, lying compulsively to take advanatge of someone's emotions, ridicule or blackmailing to the point where the victim goes into seclusion, and just generally being a hate-filled being with a desire to screw over anyone for the sake of it. These people tend to have some sort of mental defect such as sociopathy or narcissism, though this is definitely not the rule.
Dont trust him, he is a Jone...
Colloquialism used to describe a Juul device. Also used as a code word for Juul.
"Bro, tryna let me hit the Jones}?"
Jone is an awesome guy, who is allways the king. Jone aka Jonekingen is the #1 player in Fortnite. He has most likely 999+ solo squadwins and he kills Ninja for a living. Jonekingen gets all the chillern girls and he is actually Drake. He was the one who sung the song " Gods Plan". Drake has never sung a song, because Jone sings it for him. Everyone wants to be a Jone, but they don't got the balls for it. Be like Jone.
Boy 1: I wanna be a Jone.
Boy 2: Haha good luck, cuz he is the king.
Someone who abandons their friend group every time they meet a new girl, never gets on the game when they say they will, never responds to anything anymore, doesn’t pay anyone back, just an overall bum.
Zane turned into such a Jones after he met his new girlfriend!