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The term the DPRK uses for giant nock off nerf bullets.

North Korea says they can launch a ‘Rocket’ to the USA. They can’t. Foam isn’t easy to propel efficiently across giant oceans.

by Hi, I'm Steve January 11, 2019


A Floridian rapper. Subjectively, his music is alright but lacks lyrical depth, personality, and technical ability. Personal character traits could be defined as: sneaky, manipulative, dishonest, cold, and lazy. Does have some redeeming qualities but not enough to tip any scales in his favor

Hey, have you ever heard of that rapper called Rocket? No.

by MeloYelo February 28, 2018


1)A missile, a spacecraft or a aircraft.
2)A slang for a penis.

1)The rocket is flying to the sky!
2) Oh my gosh, look at his rocket! It's erect!

by LY Lee June 13, 2015


An adjective used to describe someone that you’d have in your pocket, take out, and throw a very long distance, like a rocket

Me: E.O is rocket (throws E.O a long distance).

by Lil Cockfuck July 7, 2022


A guy's dick or penis

See horny

Girl: May I lubricate your rocket?
Guy: Sure!

by XG The Trans Man December 8, 2017


Negative Potential Energy Repaying Machine

Machine that is used to repay a bill we own to gravity of earth

Oh man, i wish i could fly like a Rocket

by DroggedNymph December 11, 2017


Go back to second grade If you don't know this!

oooo, I see a rocket!

by Pseuodopodia October 27, 2020