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Super Straight

When your masculinity is so fragile that wiping your ass makes you feel gay.

Also when your so in the closet that you feel the need to add SUPER to get your point across.

Someone in the closet: "IM SUPER STRAIGHT!!"

Everyone: "okay we get it. You need a little bit more time to figure out your sexuality buddy it's okay."

by PrinceOfCatzz March 10, 2021

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Super Straight

This sexuality was created in order to combat lgbtq hypocrisy with them saying that it's "transphobic" to not want to date trans women. A super straight person will only date the opposite gender that is BORN the opposite gender

"John! How dare you not want to date Lucy! She's a girl!"
- some mentally slow and demented bitch
"I'm super straight, so I don't date transgender people"
- Chad John
- Hypocritical and demented bitch

by Super straight and proud March 5, 2021

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i'm straight on that

If a guy asks a girl out, an she dun wanna go out with him, she says 'I'm straight on that, shoot' and is basically turning him down.

Brian: 'Sup Daeja, wanna go out sometime?'

Daeja: 'Ugh, I'm straight on that, shoot!'

by Brittany April 21, 2004

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Straight edge

A punk ass wanna be good person that thinks they are all that because they dont do drugs but what there are no real straight edgers because the three X's are supposed to mean no sex, drugs or violence but what straight edge dosent want to fight or have sex yeah thats right you are all a bunch of fakes yeah there are real ones but they sure are hard to find.

Juggalo: Wussup man im a juggalo

Straight edger: Ima fuck you up cause you do drugs

Juggalo: Umm i thought you where not supposed to fight???

No.2. A punk ass little bitch named Tavis Corrillo

by Juggalo fo life October 11, 2011

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Straight Jacketed

A term that is used when a homosexual person is surrounded on all sides by heterosexual persons in an intimate setting.

"So how did hanging out with your friends go last night?"

"It sucked, i was straight jacketed because my best friend and his girlfriend were on one side, and my other best friend was listening to his iPod on my other side while we were on the sofa watching a movie."

by Cardi March 3, 2007

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straight eckin' it

Shamelessly sucking up to the boss infront of co-workers to make yourself look better .

Chris was straight eckin' it in the meeting today.

by Steedmiester August 12, 2008

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Pan-straigt is a straight person, whom are interested in people of the opposite gender.

A man whom is intrested in women including trans women
I like all women, including trans women, I am Pan-straigt

I am interested in women, including trans women, I am Pan-straight

by TheModernViking May 4, 2021

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