Source Code

Don't threaten me with a good time!

Positive response to what is interpreted to be a flirtatious gesture.

Bret Michaels says, "Go easy on the tequila, Tiffany! I may have to physically restrain you pretty soon!"

Tiffany replies, "Don't threaten ME with a good time!"

by sarcastica717 September 12, 2008

344๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

i don't give a flying fuck

Not a single floating fuck was given.

Bitches: OMG... I just uploaded the pic of my lunch on instagram so everyone knows what im eating.
ME: I don't give a flying fuck. Either should everyone else.

by chiet December 11, 2013

181๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

I don't like you in that way

What a girl says to a guy "friend" when he tries to express feelings for her that go beyond friendship. When a girl has a guy "friend", this almost always means that he is interested in her, which is why he hangs out with her, but she almost always sees him strictly as a friend.

<Girl> You're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way.


<Girl> You're a great guy, and you have all the qualities in a guy I'm looking for, but I'm not going to be your girlfriend. I will, however, use you as a basis for comparison for all other guys who hit on me, but I'm going to be with someone who is far less nice, and who is probably an abusive alcoholic. Then, if he doesn't work out, I'll move on to another guy, but still not you. In fact, I will never be with you, but I will call you from time to time to complain about the guy that I am with.

by VonZippa June 8, 2005

887๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž

I don't give a rats fuck

Not giving a fuck, especially that of rats. Not the even lowest fucks were given. You really do not give a fuck.

Did you hear about their break up??
No I don't give a rats fuck.

by Ratman6969 February 28, 2013

don't get above your raising

don't forget where you came from

As you move forward in life, remember ...don't get above your raising! Never get too big for your britches!

by talk2me-JCH2 July 28, 2022

Big ass and brass don't mix!

Translation: Brass stripper poles aren't for overweight butts!

Girl, no way in hell am I jumping up on that stripper pole! You know big ass and brass don't mix!

by talk2me-JCH2 February 17, 2022

I don't give a dirty handkerchief

Means the same as, "I don't give a flying fuck", "I don't give a Funyun", "I don't give a rat's patootie", etc.
This is a clean way of saying it -- though that hankie really needs to go in the wash. :-)

WarGrowlmon: What? Beelzemon?

Taomon: What are you doing here?

Rapidmon: Looking to hit us while weโ€™re down, huh? Thatโ€™s your style right?

Beelzemon: Hey, trash me if you want but I swear Iโ€™m here to help.

Rapidmon: Do you even know the meaning of the word?

Beelzemon: Iโ€™m on the level fellas, really.

WarGrowlmon growls at him.

Beelzemon: But I don't give a dirty handkerchief if you believe me or not, cause my partners believe in me.

Flashback to Mako giving Impmon his gun.

Mako: You can blast all the bad guys with it.

by Telephony December 24, 2014