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You died

A term that people in the urban areas of Philadelphia use to say “you crazy”, “you lied” or “never”

Person 1: I heard the jawn dom spit on you yesterday.

Person 2: You died, I wish she would spit on me

by Ijustbebored February 14, 2022

ayy you guys

a greeting that is from the goonies and a character called sloth with a deformed face that was popularized as a joke or meme and is used as a joke term

you are trying to make a funny entrance to large group "Ayy you guys"

by Naughtopus May 10, 2018

When you stop receiving LEGO on your 100th Birthday *OLD YODA*

Hey Elliott

Hey Elliott did you here “ When you stop receiving LEGO on your 100th Birthday *OLD YODA*”?

“No Jack I have not heard that one before!”

by Jdnshxhsjznznz December 29, 2020

1👍 1👎

you suck

1. Someone is being mean to you
2. You actually suck so bad
3. Your probably doing a rap battle
4. Idk ask Google

Jimmy: You suck
Greg: Stop describing yourself
Jimmy: *Gasp

by Your non-existing friend April 14, 2022

You suck

To say you are not good at that thing you just did or to say you are no good

Giselle Martinez Ian and I played basketball yesterday we won $16,000,000 and we bought a Bugatti Divo
Shiel hen you suck at that game

by June 2, 2024

You suck

To say that you are not good at it

Max Davis I played basketball yesterday Ian Smith no you suck at basketball
Max Davis why Ian Smith because you suck at that game.

by June 2, 2024

You suck

You suck is the type of word that says you’re a dumb person in a way that other people don’t know you’re saying it in another way so in that kind of way they’re trying to say you’re so dumb but but sometimes you’re actually smart but if you’re actually smart it means they’re bullying you in a way because you are smarter than them so you so you can tell them that you suck in like tell them back because they will say you also suck

You suck
No you suck bully

by XxxxtiktokgurlXxxx June 13, 2021