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Tylko Jedno W Głowie Mam Gdzie jest biały węgorz

lyrics of dancing polish cow

(dancing polish cow) (Tylko Jedno W Głowie Mam Gdzie jest biały węgorz)

by yardardar March 24, 2021

5👍 2👎

S p a c e d w o r d s

W h e n y o u s p a c e o u t l e t t e r s t o m a k e i t f u n n y

Xavier: imagine being g a y
Matt: L m a o I m a g i n e
mmmm s p a c e d w o r d s

by Xman_Slayer February 20, 2020

31👍 3👎


Wow, even though I got here first, I'm still impressed how bored u have to be to get here. You are so bored you think of super duper advanced forms of keyboard combos, that you forget about these ones. Because of that, there are probably a lot more simple keyboard combinations that nobody has thought of.

`=q\a'z/1-ws;x.20edlc,39rpfkvm48togjbn57yih6u Im glad u found this

by tecopux December 12, 2022

3👍 1👎

s m o k y b r o w n

A young man with dark skin, most likely from Nigeria, who is very perverted and dirty. He tends to make random noises at random moments. He sometimes wears glasses.

(by Terrør)

That idiot over there is just like s m o k y b r o w n.

by terror the retard August 21, 2017


Carrying too much cash on your person- to the point that your wallet won't close

I don't feel safe going out with this T H I C C W A L L E T tonight!

by ALL_IN_KAPPA August 13, 2017

national make a tik tok w ur crush day

This is the day october 29 when you can make some sort of interaction lmao with your crush

*don't be weird ab it tho*
girl- "bro (i like u- DONT SAY THAT) we should make a tik tok since its national make a tik tok w ur crush day

by quack quack bitch October 28, 2019

1👍 3👎

R o t f l t d o l w t h b g h o t w a h i a n

Roll On The Floor Laughing Then Died Of Laughter Went To Heaven But Got Hit On The Way And Here I Am Now

Died because he laughed to much went to heaven bt wings got chopped of by a plane and fell all the way back in to his body so he is here today... eg R o t f l t d o l w t h b g h o t w a h i a n

by LittleT February 9, 2012

10👍 17👎