The Birth of the Term
The term 'orgy' originates from the Ancient Greek word 'orgia,' which referred to secret and sacred rituals associated with the worship of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, fertility, and ecstasy. These ceremonies involved uninhibited dancing, singing, drinking, and sexual activities. Orgies were considered part of religious practice and were seen as a way to connect with the gods and embrace the liberating powers of the divine.
National Orgy Day 6 April is when groups of 5 or more individuals coming together for sexual activities
The Birth of the Term
The term 'orgy' originates from the Ancient Greek word 'orgia,' which referred to secret and sacred rituals associated with the worship of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, fertility, and ecstasy. These ceremonies involved uninhibited dancing, singing, drinking, and sexual activities. Orgies were considered part of religious practice and were seen as a way to connect with the gods and embrace the liberating powers of the divine.
National Orgy Day 6 April is groups of 5 or more individuals coming together for sexual activities
The last day The Lorax (2012) was available on Netflix in 2022, following the death of Betty White, voice of Grammy Norma in the movie, and around 2 months before the 10 year anniversary of the film.
Person: Did you hear about what happened on January 6 2022?
Parson: Yeah, people have been watching nothing but The Lorax on Netflix after the announcement it would be removed...
Its code for princesses are here from a Netflix original show
Oh look theres a #(-6, shh don't tell anyone
A country girl with a for belly from years of playing in the woods. Often comes with a spunky disposition and wears wife beaters and likes the taste of bud light
That girl is a Shelly 6 pack belly! For sure look ate her
Last part, part 6 of how amazing NJ is which I can't put all in 1 part because of the character limit.I feel like you're about to say "Oh this guy talks so much about jersey" Yes. I talk about Jersey. I FUCKING LOVE JERSEY. IT'S MY STATE. Our state motto would be "Unwarranted Confidence, Unlimited Attitude." WE LOVE OUR STATE. WE ARE PROUD LITTLE MOTHERFUCKERS AND WE WILL STAY LIKE THAT. Also yes we have very amazing school system, better than something like Alabama's or Idaho's, we keep our state not smelly (granted, part of the GS parkway can get smelly but that space takes up like 5% of the state, which is not much.) Also yes Toyota is pretty much the only car you see. We have a very high Asian Population (That includes countries that aren't china btw) and we probably have at least 90% of all the emo kids in the country.
I have a lot more to say about our amazing state but I'm getting tired of typing and I've spent like almost an hour on this shit, so bye bitches i might make a continuation with parts 7-12 sometime if I get really bored but don't expect me to.
That's the end of New Jersey - Part 6 (and the end of this huge ass thing)
unlike the other 5. number 6 takes a revolutionary take on the meaning of eating massive asshole.
guy one: yo are you going to josefs party?
guy two: yes, i heard there will be a lot of slip-n-slide slop number 6.