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August Burns Red

August Burns Red is a metalcore band founded in Pennsylvania in 2003. they get their name from one of the band names' ex's, august, threatening to burn his dog, red.
currently have 2 full lengths out and one ep.
Looks Fragile After All- 2004
Thrill Seeker- 2005
Messengers- 2007

a lot of their lyrics are mainly christian, and their playing style is mainly technical, with a lot of breakdowns during songs.
vocals are mostly growls and screams, along with a few clean singing. sorta hard to understand really.

barbarian is my fave august burns red song :


by tom` October 19, 2007

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you got burned

Something that one says in one of two situations:

1. When another person scorches his or her body parts using a flame or other hot object


2. Right after a striking insult or comeback

1. Danny: Oh no! I just found out that this welding torch was hot the hard way!
Steven: You got burned!

2. Danny: Hey, if I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together
Chick: Well, I don't have to rearrange the alphabet to put N and O together. Get lost.
Steven: You got burned!

by narwhalsexist October 26, 2011

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Turd Degree Burn

(N) When you are taking a particularly steamy/warm poop, and it burns your butt hole when it comes out. Stems from the phrase, "Third degree burn"

Todd: "Dude, that shit burnt coming out. It did not feel good"
Phil: "Sounds like you got a turd degree burn. You might need some cream for that."

by Dantione the great February 20, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

black light burns

NIN 2.0

Kill a few,
kill a dozen
Kill the night eyes kin
Well he's rappin on the pane of the window again
He's got a blade for a tongue
and snakes for eyes
and his hands on the handles of a hundred knives
And if they don't fall down
you can watch them run
with two bullets in your pocket
and a rusty gun
We're goin' three by three to the mountain top
to throw that son of a bitch
right off the highest drop

~ I want you to by Black Light Burns

by crackerjackstan March 13, 2010

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Burn Blue Sky'ed

This is what happens when you're in a band and you share a studio with another band. The sharing of the studio also includes the rent, and utilities. So each band is repsonsable for x amount of dollars every month, and each dude in each band pays their part of the X amount of dollars. Unfortunatly the other band's members never have enough money to pay their share of the rent for the studio. So one of their members ends up paying the rent for the other memebers. Of course they always say they will pay you back, but in reality you end up paying many times more rent then the rest of the band memebers.

Dude you got studio rent? Yea I have it but a few of my dudes Burn Blue Sky'ed me on it!

by Flight of Flames July 11, 2008

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Russian Rug Burn

when your having sexual intercourse with your partner on the floor and his weiner slips out and wiggles its way in between the butt cheeks and the rug, the male keeps going no knowing he has made a new hole, he blows his load onto the carpet

"so how long did you guys have sex for?" "he had sex for 10 and WE had sex for 3" "how does that happen?" "russian rug burn"

by Nortington August 14, 2009

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Rape Burn

A: When someone burns you epically to the point it feels like you got raped

B: When you get raped and the skin on your gentiles becomes raw from the lack or lube.

A: Haha! Andrew just got rape burned!
B: EWWW! That chick was raped last night and she got rape burn.

by One1Nut!!!!! March 11, 2010

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